Early morning color east of Iron Mountain.
Editor's silhouette greets the sun.
A sunset at a different location.
The unofficial, semi-annual San Diego community hike, the second leg, got off to a roaring start.
At 5:20am, we met Sam Hoffman in the car park before heading to the peak, some three miles distant.
Without clouds, we weren't expecting an exciting sunrise nor for that matter, did we anticipate rain.
A little later, Brian caught up followed by Bob, Nancy, Marlene, Neville and Max, the 'dawg'—they had
arrived a little late at the trailhead. The first leg, in September, was less than successful because at the time
not even a dog arrived for the hike.
The beauty of early morning: Some say the rebirth of the world. (Overlooking Mount Woodson and its 'glamorous towers'.)
Sunspots across the way below Mount Woodson.
On the way back, the group moved quickly while Neville and guess who ambled down. We were stopped
by a couple who wanted to discuss the
animal droppings on the trail. We like to be accommodating
so we did just that. As we speak with a 'funny' accent, it piqued their interest, one thing led to another
and the conversation continued. The fellow wanted to discuss rugby as he played the game in the Chicago area.
After an interesting few minutes, which increased the gap between the leaders of our group and the
laggards (that's us), the couple asked whether we would like to partake in a 'group hug'. As we like to
live dangerously and after checking whether the editor was out of sight of the attractive maiden of fine
and shapely form (not that we noticed), we did just that. It is quite fascinating what goes on along the
trails. In future, we might have to wear deodorant and after-shave lotion before hiking.
A sunset in yet another location
The sun hits the marine layer above the Pacific providing more color.
We have an interesting and long relationship with the San Diego Hoffman family. Jenni worked as the assistant
to Betty, Sam's mom, for many years. Betty is a woman who is such a
ball of fire that we think she's
forgotten she's not fifty any longer. Sam was the President of
Beth El during the 'nineties' and we had the
privilege of serving under him as treasurer. The first camping trip we ever undertook was with their family, more
than twenty years ago. Finally, we intended hiking
Half-dome together last year but failed to attain
a reservation in the lottery. Admission to the hike is highly restricted. Next time, Sam.
We worked with Brian Murray in South Africa some 35 years ago and are delighted to be linked with him again.
We met Neville at elementary school 55 years before. It is quite amazing that we reside in the same city,
twenty thousand miles away from our original homes. Who could have guessed?
The group, but Jenni. Front: Bob & Nancy Eprile and Marlene Stanger. Rear: Sam Hoffman, Neville Stanger,
'Young' Murray and the guy who lost the photo of Jenni in the group.
In a rather embarrassing incident, we lost a group photograph that included Jenni. We uploaded it and witnessed
it on the screen. Subsequently, it disappeared. We have looked all over including under the beds but without
any success. What a photographer!
By the way, we are thinking of taking pictures at weddings, bar mitzvah's and family gatherings. Should you need
a reliable photographer, consider calling us. We get it sort of right. Who's perfect?
Jenni and Jeffrey
A 'dam' good morning.