Nothing's quite as striking as 'Machapuchare in the morning'.


Hike-about is an adventure that commenced June 2010. After storing our household movables, ridding ourselves of a house but retaining our 'home' together, we set off with the purpose of hiking in different parts of the world, not forgetting the home country, the USA.

Our primary focus is hiking to mountain peaks but any challenging hike will do just fine. Extended stays enable us to enjoy and experience living in various places amongst differing cultures. Hike-about has evolved into a way of life. It's also a process of discovery, both the world and ourselves.

We work and live 'on the road' but return to the city in which our grandchildren reside, every couple of months. This provides us the wonderful opportunity to be with them as well as a child or two, even three and of course, friends.

By the end of 2024, the blog contained over 1,636 hikes (far less than actually undertaken), each a set of pictures with stories and anecdotes from the trails. An index to the right allows the viewer to identify earlier experiences.

Finally, we are often asked about the journey's end.
ur reply, as accurate as we can state, is: "When we are either forced to cease through health issues or the enjoyment level no longer reaches our aspirations, we will hang up the boots."

"A Life Experience As No Other: Dare to Seize the Day Together", published by Fulton Books, depicts our life on the road and mountains until the beginning of 2017. It has developed 'exponentially' since then.

Jenni and Jeffrey Lazarow

Whereas we continue to update the blog regularly, we circulate email notifications infrequently.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

25.04 A Collection of photographs from the River Mountain hike near Lake Mead, Nevada.

Every now and again and even more seldom than that, we find a position that provides sights so gorgeous that
one can almost cry—sometimes tears do form but that usually happens upon arriving at the summit after a tough
climb or more frequently, when taking a backhander from the editor.

The photographs below (excluding the first one), and there were obviously many more, are taken from a perch along
the River Mountain hike and a couple of other positions in the vicinity of Boulder City, Nevada. A number
of earlier hikes, particular the latest couple from Nevada, were superb but our enthusiasm for this hike's visuals
made us jump the queue.

Previous day hike used for 'spacing purposes' (The Frenchman Mountain...a short-way up.)

Late afternoon in Boulder City, above Lake Mead.

A cloudy day in general and then the sun almost disappeared for a few minutes.

Part of the shoreline at Lake Mead.

Trying a different camera setting.

Sun finds a gap and lights a tiny part of the mountain ranges.

The only casino in the area, dwarfed by mountains. We're thinking of staying in it soon.

Sun takes a bold stand against the clouds above Boulder City.


Jenni and Jeffrey

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

25.03 Picacho Peak between Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona...a local icon.

It's special to begin a Monday morning on this peak...any peak.

On a brisk winter morning, the sun was prominent on the mountain walls.

Jenni returned to the trails after an illness, making one boy very happy and a girl quite tired. We had
a quick three hikes following the tough Finger Canyon Trail. Tucson is a rugged hiking town when one follows
the trails to their termination points. There are sections of the city which are also very rough…people-wise.
We completed Romero Pools which was moderate of 7 miles with a cumulative gain of 1,200 feet; Ventana Canyon
of over 9 miles and 3,000 feet upwards had testing aspects. The difficulty of the latter hike was that for part
of it we climbed and crawled up a goat path, thirty or so minutes of testing situations—‘our guide’ seemed
to lose his way…what’s new?

Suppose it takes a bit of an effort to reach special places.

Out in the beautiful deserts, slightly haunting sunset.

For a little perspective, a profile of the small but unusual mountain.

Mom and Dad and the off-springs sprinkling the desert floor with their little saguaros.

"I think this is when I call for a cab.'

The pictures in this blog are almost exclusively from a repeat of the icon, Picacho Peak. We needed to reach
Las Vegas on Monday but not before stopping at the base to undertake this wonderful experience. The peak rises
to 1,500 feet but to get there one has to climb partway up and then go down on the other side before re-commencing
the climb. There are chains to assist the hiker in about seven positions. As we mentioned the last time we did
this climb, it’s rated difficult. We found it terrific, a great workout, the need for caution at times but not difficult.
On the last outing at Picacho, the editor questioned what she was doing on the trail—she whined quite a bit. This occasion,
it was Jenni who initiated the hike. That’s what I love about women—a person never knows what’s going on in their minds.

Oh! Thanks for coming...thought you were still talking your way up the mountain.

The editor returns from peak heading down only to get ready to climb again. Notice how
serious she becomes at times like these.

We met two gentlemen, Larry and Paul, one from North Dakota, the other Wisconsin. These soft-spoken and confident men,
who have undertaken some special hikes, proved what a treat it is to meet kindred spirits as well as fascinating
people. We have been blessed to have come across wonderful people over the years—a large benefit of Hike-about.

'Wait for me, Jen...I have the car keys.'

A favorite from this position.


Jenni and Jeffrey

What a world!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

25.01 Finger Canyon, one of the toughest in Tucson. 25.02 Sabino Canyon To Blackett Ridge for Sunset.

It had to happen sometime and so it did. The editor took ill and declared herself unavailable for hiking
until further notice. It’s a good thing she does not work for a corporation; otherwise, she might find herself
hauled up a mountain after three days. This left me searching for a replacement partner. Before I commenced looking,
the editor reminded me rather subtly that she was in fact irreplaceable. Fortunately, it was an idea I share

We’re back in Tucson for a week as we returned to work from a six-week ‘vacation’ in San Diego. The idea is
to follow the sun. More specifically, to find warm weather and undertake many of the hikes we missed the first
time around. Thereafter, we’ll continue our quest looking for warm weather and manageable snow—whatever
that means.

Reach out and touch something...someone, at the peak.

Funnily enough, this is not the Finger Trail.

I want to go higher...moving up on the Finger Trail.

A full-blooded sunset over Tucson from part way down the ridge.

Hike-about 25 got off to a tough start as only one of us headed for the first climb, a hike
that happens to be one of the roughest in the region. Jenni gave me the finger, that is, the Finger Trail
which took me some 3,200 feet above the trailhead. Well, it hardly took me as I had to take myself. Many miles
later, I returned to continue my nursing activities only to realize I was hardly missed. I have been worried
about the editor’s health, of course. Truth be told, I was also concerned about finding the trailhead, then being
able to follow the trail, having to carry my own bag as well as lunching on my own. Life became difficult
without Jenni.

The trail was quiet until a couple of students reached and overtook me—youth can be quite painful particularly
when showing off. The male/female duo ended their hike at the 2,000 feet level; I continued another 1,200 feet—guess
who decided to show off, too. When they passed me, I noticed another challenge. Put it this way, had she been wearing
a bikini, she would have been dressed more modestly. Jenni has explained to me that it’s not proper to look
at other women. I agree but find that if members of the fairer sex are directly in front of me what can I do.
Fortunately, I never notice them when the editor is close by.

Loved this one as the beams narrowed, focusing on the saguaro, 'bronzing' half a tree.

A sprawling city taken from the Finger Trail.

Setting sun makes its mark by tinting the mountaintops.

Heading down to the canyon on return.

Many of the trails
in Tucson require discipline. They are rocky, steep, often on edges and ledges,
a little iced at higher elevations and mostly defined by cactus plants of a few varieties. I noticed
the ocotillo particularly over the last couple of days. Without the flower covering, the dagger like spines
and thorns are more visible—covering their branches densely. They are most intimidating even as they appear
to reach out in a welcoming manner. Unfortunately, it is almost instinctive to grab a limb when one slips.
We shudder when we think of the implications.

Here’s to always trying to remain upright.

Another scene that was captivating. The sun sure knows how to put on a show.

More subtle...Goodnight!


Jenni and Jeffrey

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Mount Woodson again, a week before commencement of Hike-about 25.

We went for another hike up Mount Woodson, this time from Lake Poway entrance. By the way, the park that houses
the lake and mountain is a delightful place. We would recommend it as a wonderful area to hike, fish, take a
picnic and/or relax and absorb the sights. One can also hire a rowing boat and enjoy the lake surface.

"If I was a fisherman..."...I think this is the spot I'd choose.

This was a scene that was visible for only a couple of minutes before the sun disappeared.

The clouds seemed to spillover the mountaintops.

A few months ago, while running down the mountain, Jen had a 'spill' and landed at the feet of a man walking up
the mountain. She mentioned how embarrassed she felt sprawled in the dirt, lying at the feet of this hiker. I was
a little ahead of her so did not see her fall or the result.

Today, it was my turn. These falls happen from time-to-time. Often, once I've tripped, I'm able to keep running
with my body bent over and stretching ahead of my feet. Provided one keeps moving (never brake), it's possible to lift
the torso slowly back into position while the feet resume leadership. Done correctly, the fall is avoided. Other times,
one has no chance because the first time you realize you're in trouble is when you find yourself on the ground. Today,
I had the hybrid version. I struck a slightly protruding rock and kept running. I knew that I was too far out of kilter
to save the situation. Nevertheless, I did not fall until about two seconds later, providing sufficient opportunity
to prepare to meet the ground. All in a day's hiking experience.

Another time that the sun backlit a corner of a range.

Black cloud today; contrast with last week's coloring below.

Colored clouding compared with above from a week later.

the weather looked quite dull and we were convinced it would be day without photographs; it nearly was.
However, close to the peak, thick clouds formed and the sun made a successful attempt to penetrate them. For brief moments,
we viewed stunning sights, particularly the sun lighting some peaks while others remained in shadows or unlit.
A particular angle at the lake, when we arrived back, took the breath away although it could have been the run that did it.

Different strata of clouds blanket the East County of San Diego.

Could be 'Gone fishing' by next week if not sooner.


Jenni and Jeffrey

Thursday, January 7, 2016

"High and Low points" of Hike-about 24, mainly in video format.

It seems to be a tradition to launch a video on completion of each Hike-about segment. This time, however, we have six
unpublished hikes remaining but decided to go ahead and do the video. There are so many pictures that the selection
becomes a hit-or-miss affair. Invariably, we leave off some of the best shots and display the lesser ones. However,
we are fortunate that the beauty of the Western United States allows one to point a camera in the general direction
of the action and record it for posterity, or until we clean out our files and delete them. The rest of the world
is also remarkable in its visuals but as Jenni points out from time-to-time, I'm affected by the last region visited.
Apparently, unlike modern computers, the storage capacity of my brain cannot be upgraded or enlarged.

Following a few highlight photographs below, we present a video that captures only a small aspect of what amounted to
an incredible period within six western states. (Video follows the pictures below.)

Finally, to the many Russian viewers who have found our blog: Добро пожаловат

Golden early morning on Angels Landing, Zion, Utah.

Deep in the Carlsbad Cavern, New Mexico.

Nevada's own wave.

On trail of Ice Lakes Basin, Silverton, Colorado.

Wheeler Peak, New Mexico-a memorable hike, an amazing day.

A balancing 'rock of gold' at Valley of Fire. (Nevada)

A view of Santa Rita Range (and Tucson) from Peak of Agua Caliente hike. (Arizona)

Hiking up Hogsback with Perins Peak, the next day's hike, at rear. (Durango, Colorado)

A video follows of some highlights from Hike-about 24.

To commence, click 'arrow' and then click box on bottom right for a full screen.


Jenni and Jeffrey

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

A Handful of Spain and Andorra, Summer 2015.

Spain and Andorra had quite an effect upon us. We interrupt the recent beautiful Western United States hiking trip to
remember a few scenes from Europe:

From a peak in Andorra, looking into France.

Lake Tristiana, Andorra.

Tozal de Mallo, along the Pyrenees Mountains, Spain.

Casamanya Peak, Andorra.

Cares Gorge, Spain: The trail is cut into the mountain walls.

Faja de Racon, Spain.

A view from Casamanya Peak into Ordino, Andorra

La Serrara Peak, Andorra.

Blau Estasy, France/Andorra

Crossing the Pyrenees from Spain into France.

Heading toward Blau Estasy, Andorra

Tozal de Mallo Trail.

Asin de Broto, Spain

A view into France, such beauty.

Covedonga Lakes, Spain.


The peak: Pico Veleta, Southern Spain.


Jenni and Jeffrey