Like any project, this has required many steps, most of them difficult, hard on the body and mind, often slippery, always tiring but worthwhile.
It's possible that a project long in the making might reach fruition very soon. It has kept us awfully busy, perhaps a little frustrated, but in the end, allowed us to continue to develop our minds despite the misleading concept of Artificial Intelligence. We took a different tack from the big names, preferring to be original, innovative and just plain 'bloody' smart. We'd like to believe we've retained our humility even should it only amount to a modicum of what is considered modest.
Moving forward, we'd like to announce the concept of "nAI", being "New-Age Intelligence". We struggled with the concept of 'artificial' as we'd like to believe that we are 'real'. While we are close to the launching stage, there are a few issues still to complete. We have also taken some precautions even though we are confident of success. One being the hire of a large storage unit and subsequently filling it with dry foods that should last many years. In that way, no matter the outcome of "nAI", despite having invested all our capital in the project, we will never starve...or at least, not for a while.
You may ask 'what is it all about?' We would hope you inquire. Unfortunately, we are holding off releasing the details until the documentation is in place—patents, other legal issues, final delivery of food safely into storage, completion of the manuals and a recent hiccup, tariffs to be imposed on our suppliers. Nevertheless, we hate to keep you in suspense, so we have released some examples of our "nAI" (new age intelligence) to provide an idea where the world is headed or at least, where we are holding (and heading). We hope and trust that this resonates favorably with you, and that we trump all adversity.
Remember! There is nothing artificial about our intelligence. Thank you!
The promised research follows below after a picture or two revealing some of our struggles along the way.
Further steps in South Africa/Lesotho.
Lost steps in Everest, Free State, South Africa; obviously, not Nepal.
Some fourteen years ago, an elderly gentleman suggested we rather do something useful with our lives. We suppose that's a fair comment as we should all be productive; effectively, live meaningfully. We thought about it seriously and decided we could learn from everyone. To that end, we decided while carrying on our current lifestyle that the fellow objected to, we might add something useful. We searched around, particularly on mountains and in the wilderness, including jungles, although we still are not quite sure of the difference between the latter two concepts. We did finally end up agreeing to undertake a research project ("nAI").
On the face of it, it appeared to be a 'green' project which made some people very happy, others less so, we neutral but quickly fulfilled. Effectively, it became our task to recognize or perhaps, to identify whether long held beliefs of people passed down through the ages were true. Is much that we hold dear in fact fallacious? Are we passing on to our children and the coming generations information, knowledge and even experiences that are misleading? Charged with this task, feeling filled with purpose and backed up with much energy, we reset-off in our endeavors, which still included Hike-about, as here we are after nearly fifteen years.
What are our findings? Have we accomplished progress? Did that person, many years ago, change the course of our lives? We provide a snippet of information of our research backed-up with visual content and proof. By the way, research took place in many countries, but it has concluded in Nepal, much to everyone's...I mean...our relief.
Part of our research is borne out in the form of the pictures below: Please see the conclusion after witnessing the photographs.
Notice the two distinct shades of green, one on each side.The current front cover, see earlier, illustrates this pattern, too.
Captured this shot of Jen in the field...well, I suppose on the road surveying the fields. I asked her not to wear red, but apparently her green outfit was she said.
Clearly, different shades on each side.
We conclude:
For our next project, we were told that
"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush".
Shiva Temple on the opposite mountain, rear; a bird up the pole, fore.
On this occasion, we ended up qualifying our conclusion. In order to be comfortable with the premise, a person would have to accept excretion by a bird in such person's hand as completely normal. The premise we used is that most of the people we know would be satisfied viewing birds in the bush, even in trees, but not having a single feathered-fellow pecking one's hand and/or excreting in the hand.
We further conclude that the proverb was made in good faith but unlikely to be acceptable universally.
Having been asked not to question the wisdom of the ages handed down, we have decided to relinquish this role and continue with our worthless adventures and pursuits. We are comfortable standing down and we believe we have made most, if not all, happy with this decision. It's often called a 'win-win' decision. Delighted to oblige, folks.
Jenni and Jeffrey