We returned to Lake Poway/Mount Woodson for a couple of hikes following our return from Argentina. Nothing has changed; it remains a very special place for us, in fact, delightful. Each time we visit the area, one of us is on the lookout for what the other spouse terms, 'Jeffrey's ducks'. We were fortunate again because we re-acquainted ourselves with an Osprey friend who seemed to be more than a little hungry. We'll take you through its flight plan and a few other steps we witnessed on another special day. (Further blogs from Patagonia, perhaps one of our best experiences, follow over the next week...)
It's getting late and I'm feeling a little 'peckish'. Perhaps a fish taco for dinner this evening.
'Once I straighten the kink in my neck, I'll begin ambling over to the diner.'
"Okay. Got my ducks in a row, tempting, but I really don't think it's ethical to eat family. Besides, I don't like white meat and, especially not green."
"Blast off. Houston...um Poway, we have a liftoff."
"Do you ever get that sunken feeling?" 'Are you fishing or swimming, Eagle Eye? Perhaps a poor choice of phrase.'
'By George, she's got it.'
"I'm getting tired of these self-service restaurants; a little too old for the carrying and schlepping business. I gotta find out whether Dominoes delivers. Hmm! Guess which one of us feels like 'a fish out of water'? Actually, both when you think about it."
'The bigger the dinner, the heavier the load. I gotta look out for a weight-watcher special in future.'
'Big deal. They cook the fish (who can eat it raw?), seat me on a pole and charge me a bloody fortune. Besides, a bird could get roasted near these high voltage cables. Shocking!'
'...and you still expect a tip?'
'A box? Never. I'll take it as is'. Can't trust these guys. They'll help themselves to the bloody delicacies. By the way, I call this position the 'stationary strut or claw-stand'. "Hey you, Waiter, you can kiss...ahem!"
Back to hunting. "How about dessert and a little brandy before nesting!"
Jenni and Jeffrey
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