Nepal: Begnas: Early morning view of Annapurna 2, altitude of 26,040 feet.


Hike-about is an adventure that commenced June 2010. After storing our household movables, ridding ourselves of a house but retaining our 'home' together, we set off with the purpose of hiking in different parts of the world, not forgetting the home country, the USA.

Our primary focus is hiking to mountain peaks but any challenging hike will do just fine. Extended stays enable us to enjoy and experience living in various places amongst differing cultures. Hike-about has evolved into a way of life. It's also a process of discovery, both the world and ourselves.

We work and live 'on the road' but return to the city in which our grandchildren reside, every three, or slightly less, months. This provides us the wonderful opportunity to be with them as well as a child or two, even three and of course, friends.

By the end of 2024, the blog contained over 1,636 hikes (far less than actually undertaken), each a set of pictures with stories and anecdotes from the trails. An index to the right allows the viewer to identify earlier experiences.

Finally, we are often asked about the journey's end.
ur reply, as accurate as we can state, is: "When we are either forced to cease through health issues or the enjoyment level no longer reaches our aspirations, we will hang up the boots."

"A Life Experience As No Other: Dare to Seize the Day Together", published by Fulton Books, depicts our life on the road and mountains until the beginning of 2017. It has developed 'exponentially' since then.

Jenni and Jeffrey Lazarow

Whereas we continue to update the blog regularly, we circulate email notifications infrequently.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

46.15 Morro Bay: Laguna Lake to Cerro San Luis Obispo and the 'bear trap'. A Hunting we shall go...

Laguna Lake from the peak per telephoto.

Contrary to popular belief, probably unpopular sentiments too, one of Jenni's strongest attributes is tracking. (She found me, didn't she? Huh? Okay, some you win, some you lose.) Back to this powerful feature of hers. Ever since we emigrated to the bush, she developed a knack for following animals. She has her own style, perhaps differing from the skills of formal trackers but they seem to work. Just yesterday, we went into an area in San Luis Obispo where heavy bear activity has been experienced lately. We wanted to find the said bear or bears and explain to them their activity was not conducive to making the locals happy. With the added pressure on residents caused by ol' Covid, people need an avenue of release and what better place than climbing the various morros in the region. However, bear activity would of course, discourage many from pursuing this important pastime.

We found the hike, it turned out to be wonderful, and set off for the peak of Cerro SLO via a beautiful lake, Laguna. This region is delightful and we hope the photographs attest to this. Not long into the hike, we came across animal droppings. Without hesitation, Jenni dropped to her haunches and began the intricate process. Of course, I'm not sure what it's all about but I think the first test is to gauge the temperature. Obviously, if it's steaming, it's a recent drop. She also scrapes the matter and keeps a bit under her nail. In this way, she has the smell under her nose constantly. (Not that she is a snob, of course.) It's useful because she is able to keep checking that we're on track. Naturally, she has not got the sensory power of an animal so she has to have this reminder close at hand or finger, to be more accurate.

We were crossing private land at one stage, obviously a farm, because we saw a large herd of cows, although no bulls. Yes. No bull. Some of them were monster sizes and when we walked through, they checked us out carefully. Cows are very nosy and their inquisitiveness is more than just being alert—we have noticed this all over the world. I should reveal that our tracker was a little nervous. I thought the cattle were nervous in turn because they might have been smelling bear which we believed, traces existed under her nail. By the way, when we stop for brunch, this under the nail issue becomes a little contentious. I understand she can't wash her hands because she'll lose the scent so we compromise. She wears gloves. Fortunately, she washes those often—at least once per month.

Jenni has a great sense of humor (weird), so she tells me. While climbing a rather steep section of the mountain or morro, she asked me whether I'd like pie for dinner. I always enjoy one of those vegetarian pies filled with her special sauce. However, it worried me when I saw her heading to a rather large cow pie and then removing a container from her backpack. I could not bear to look, bears notwithstanding. I think she was trying to be humorous but who's to know. I never question her tasty cooking especially her delightful pies. In the ghastly event that she does doctor cow pies, would they be vegetarian or in fact, meat-based? Just another dilemma for me.

By that time,
we had come across a group of horse riders amongst the cattle but still hadn't noticed any bears. In order to prove the authenticity of this narrative, take a look at the photographs. Okay, let's move on.

Following bear spoor, Jenni checks for heat or something...

A posse also follows the bears but we ran past them as Jen was hot on the trail.

And you thought I was kidding. This is rather serious stuff. You can ask Mark Michelow, an honorable man whom I met before turning ten in the old country. He’ll tell you how earnest I am when serious. If Oscar was serious about being Earnest then you ain’t seen nothing as Wilde yet.

The big question
is whether we saw and if so, were able to convince the marauding bears of a need to give the locals some space. Of course, we realize Bear Lives Matter but the locals also need their space. Unfortunately, we did not come across bears but we did spot ticks, hares, hawks and a few other specimens.

With the uncertainty and strange behavior permeating the country, it got us thinking again…always a little precarious. We’ve been extremely busy so we barely had time to write this. What about the bears, we’ve been pondering. We understand three main species exist. The black, brown and white, the latter are the polar types. Let’s discount the white ones which are generally considered insensitive and horrid as well as being out of favor for reasons unbeknown to us. The brown bears were hunted and chased out of California. Therefore, the California flag that features the image of a brown bear on it should obviously be toppled, well, maybe just changed to a black bear or perhaps, a monkey would be more appropriate.

To be more serious, there is the issue of Covid 19 and the bears. Are we as sensitive as we make out? We think not. To this end, wouldn’t it be nice if we cared more about the creatures? We devised a program called Kovod 18, derived from the Hebrew word for ‘honor’ and ‘18’, the symbol for life. Where do the poor bears go to hibernate? With winter around the corner, we think offering the animals a ‘shelter in place’ under Kovod 18 is the humane thing to do. Of course, we’d be the first to offer our basement or attic for hibernation but as we do not have a residence, we cannot do it. Instead, we appeal to those who have the interest of bears at heart to step forward and offer shelter in place under Kovod 18 to avoid Covid 19. We trust it makes sense and hope even further that you understand the concept. Please bear this in mind as the bears could be in for a torrid winter and may barely survive. And by the way, can we have the Chicago Bears change their name? Be bear aware!

It’s becoming difficult to end this text because I have a build-up of verbal diarrhea so I’ll end at the next period…Oh by the way, Jen thought of inviting all our friends and family for a casual dinner on our return. Nice idea. I did not have the fortitude to ask what she would be serving.

A view of the lake and neighborhood from the peak. Loved the still waters which accentuated the reflections.

Bishop Peak takes cover, a favorite of the region, viewed from Cerro SLO (Peak).

A few months ago, we passed through SLO and stopped for a climb on Bishop Peak (See above photo).

Chasing the bear (I feel sorry for him).

Almost there.

Reaching the peak and finding it bare.

Please don't be so bashful...turn around and if you must, cover your face.

Thank you.

Another trail on the way down.

Jenni's spotter on the lookout. He had to get into the act at the top. He definitely has some issues.

A town scene using the telephoto from the peak.

To the far west, the ocean.

One more with a full backdrop.


Jenni and Jeffrey

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