Less than 100 miles between the interior harsh land and the coastal (cute) town, the contrast is clear but each has its own attributes. Nevertheless, the latter, Morro Bay wins by a mile (probably a 100, at least.) The hike (Tule Elk), close on 9 miles (we added on extra), with a decent climb surrounded by attractive sights, provided a surprisingly good experience notwithstanding the high temperatures. The Wind Wolves Preserve, home to the trail, reaches temperatures well over 100 degrees. In Morro Bay, the highs sometimes might be a shade above the 60's. It's hard to beat that unless of course you're a sunbather and wishes to avoid shade.
Valencia Peak, one of many, is a dominant feature of the park, Montana de Oro. It's a place where one can immerse oneself in tranquility while exposed to ocean, bay and morro views, plus a whole host of other opportunities. We have learned over the years that by exercising some patience, views will change and previously clouded over areas may clear within minutes. Don't rush nature.
Harsh but most attractive views as the light allows for surprisingly good opportunities in Wind Wolves Preserve.
In the meantime, see you on the morro(w).
Taking a hike on the wild side. After reaching the first section of about 700 feet, it levels out before commencing the next climb.
Show us what you got: at the bay.
'Well, there's me on the Tule Elk trail and'
'Mom and my little sister up above on the ridge.'
From the peak of Valencia, looking toward Morro Bay (2 for the price of 1).
Put the head down and fly as free as a bird.
We were struck by the rich colors of the grass.
Back in Montana de Oro, the weather cleared for a short while revealing part of the trail.
Then it reverted to the earlier period.
'Boy, did I take a wrong turn.' Jenni approaching a high point. (One wonders whether residents of Taft ever see clouds.)
Rolling hills and color dominated the day with the "occasional perspiration", near Taft.
Jenni and Jeffrey
A person may sit on a peak hoping and waiting for an eagle to perch itself close-by or even fly past, slowly. These occurrences are most infrequent that one cannot be faulted for thinking they never occur. The remedy is eventually, whatever flies past can look like anything one wants it to be. While we did see hawks during the hike, we had to cast our minds back 4 weeks to project 'an eagle on Valencia'. I think that's termed desperation but it's also a great method of keeping the image fresh. (As an aside: Salute to Gavin, our son, who finds and takes great eagle shots in his territory.)

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