Portugal: Geres: Fantasyland or the goblins' enchanted autumn-hangout, a la Porto.


Hike-about is an adventure that commenced June 2010. After storing our household movables, ridding ourselves of a house but retaining our 'home' together, we set off with the purpose of hiking in different parts of the world, not forgetting the home country, the USA.

Our primary focus is hiking to mountain peaks but any challenging hike will do just fine. Extended stays enable us to enjoy and experience living in various places amongst differing cultures. Hike-about has evolved into a way of life. It's also a process of discovery, both the world and ourselves.

We work and live 'on the road' but return to the city in which our grandchildren reside, every couple of months. This provides us the wonderful opportunity to be with them as well as a child or two, even three and of course, friends.

By the end of 2023, the blog contained over 1,560 hikes (less than that actually undertaken), each a set of pictures with stories and anecdotes from the trails. An index to the right allows the viewer to identify earlier experiences.

Finally, we are often asked about the journey's end.
ur reply, as accurate as we can state, is: "When we are either forced to cease through health issues or the enjoyment level no longer reaches our aspirations, we will hang up the boots."

"A Life Experience As No Other: Dare to Seize the Day Together", published by Fulton Books, depicts our life on the road and mountains until the beginning of 2017. It has developed 'exponentially' since then.

Jenni and Jeffrey Lazarow

Whereas we continue to update the blog regularly, we circulate email notifications infrequently.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Birds of a feather at the 'Jewel' and a gem in Escondido

It’s been a while, our stay in San Diego, where we rested and prepared for leg 8 of Hike-about. Where does the time go? Perhaps that’s why we have to keep moving. The clock is running, the bones and muscles are aging but the heart and soul are willing and raring to go. Two out of four is good enough for us. Our real fear is what happens when the latter two slow down. “Don’t anticipate the future,’ we always like to say. In any event, we can always find other parts of our body to cooperate should these let us down. If nothing else, we hope to be creative.

Approaching the La Jolla coastline ..Click on photo to enlarge

It takes only one 'bird' to upset a content flock

We’re heading for Hawaii, this time the island of Hawaii otherwise pronounced in the native tongue as “The Big Island”. Thank goodness as we have much trouble with names in that part of the world. Everybody knows that Hawaii is famous for its beaches and surf. That’s why we told our editor that we are traveling, this time, with a surfboard. Of course, she was not impressed. In fact, short of balancing on a cliff edge on one hand while singing 'The Star-Spangled Banner’, we doubt whether we are able to impress her. She is a lot tougher than one would expect. ‘If you don’t surf in San Diego, why begin in Hawaii?” she asked. We thought long and hard about her rather penetrating question. ‘We’re trying to develop a ‘cool’ image,’ we tried to explain. However, she’s not buying that. We now have just three days to come up with a better explanation or sell the board.

'Sunshine' (that is Jenni) preparing for Hawaii

Truly wonderful place to stand and observe—terrific boulders and rocks,too

We had a couple of hikes this week that provided surprising views, especially at Stanley Peak, Daley's Ranch in Escondido. At a little over seven miles with an elevation gain of about 1,500 feet, the views are splendid. (Various routes allow for additions to the hike.) We admired the blue-mountains in the distance and noticed a few we hiked over the past weeks. The county has impressive boulder and rock covered mountains with many, many peaks. Sometimes we wonder why we travel so far when there is a very attractive area close-by. Fortunately, we don’t wonder too often or too deep about the issue.

Jenni finds last week's hike in distance from below our peak

Blue-mountains in the distance, from Stanley Peak

Our regular walk to the beach in the ‘Jewel’, that is, La Jolla, provides different views and perspectives each time. The sun, mist and clouds create wonderful variation to the fixed natural features. Our only complaint is that to reach the cliff-tops from beach level,we have to approach via the nudist beach. This is quite traumatic, especially because most of the exhibitionists are of the male gender. It was only last week that we thought we observed two beached whales. Turns out that when we closed the distance to less than two hundred feet, we noticed they were in fact, a huge human couple. The good news, after a rather rough previous week, is we seem to be sleeping better. Fortunately, we haven’t suffered a nightmare in the last couple of days.

In a rather unusual way, we recently discovered two admirable men from whom we learn much. We salute Geoff Patz of San Diego and Ivan Sacks of Dallas.

Feeling a little on edge near Stanley Peak

We look forward to ‘seeing’ you in Hawaii soon.


Jenni and Jeffrey

Welcoming the warmth on a winter's day

Monday, February 20, 2012

Giving (getting) a little ice in winter…San Diego style.

Clouds moving in and away at Cuyamaca Peak ***Click on a photo to increase size***

A winter wonderland in the desert, below summit

A little nervous? Who me?

“I’m sending you both for a timeout,” said our daughter, when Anthony and Natalie entered their home. ‘What do you mean?’ we demanded. They refer to themselves as Nat and Ant. It’s easier as they only have to use three letters between the two names although capitalization is a little problematical. They had returned from movies after the maternal grandparents took care of Ellie.

Recent hike of El Capitan, now viewed from backside (excuse the expression)

We met a married couple, doctors, who took this picture—imagine what it cost even with insurance

Jenni sits above the clouds

“Firstly, when we left she was an angel; now she’s gone wild. Secondly, I have no idea why you are teaching her to be a Las Vegas chorus girl.” We suppose they are fair points although we might mention, not to Natalie of course, that we were having great fun until Mom and Dad returned to put a dampener on things—we had no idea we raised such a spoilsport. What’s the point of having grandchildren if we cannot rebel against the in-between generation? By the way, Ellie, not yet three, is a true blessing. Okay, okay all grandchildren are.

Gazing into the distance—blue mountain ranges, layer upon layer

Watching icicles fall from the bare trees

With our heads down, we traipsed out the house but not before giving Ellie a wink signifying we’d be back. The only way to derive some consolation after the ‘showdown’, we thought, is to head to East County, home to Cuyamaca Peak.

After reaching the top, half the climb on a thick snow-covered track, we viewed some fine sights of mountain ranges in various shades of blue—actually, a lot more than fine. In addition, we watched the clouds and a mist come rolling in, remain for 5 minutes and then disappear. Add the constant falling of icicles from the trees and the scene was one that provided enormous pleasure. Our editor had to entice us down from a very beautiful spot. As we have mentioned a few times, one does not have to travel far to see world wonders. In fact, we were on a snow-covered mountain an hour from the beach or if Aubrey Meyerowitz is driving, perhaps only thirty-five minutes.
Statistics: Just over 7 miles, 1700 feet elevation gain to an altitude of 6,500 feet and most satisfying.

Jenni ascending on snow against a marvellous backdrop

In a wonderful finish to the day’s adventure, we met Cheryl and Mark Ellis in the car park. What a pleasant surprise! They had hiked with their children to a neighboring peak. Our 'hats off' to them as they encourage their children to spend much time hiking. We missed Gavin and Robbie, especially after the treat with the younger son on Mt. Woodson last week.


Jenni and Jeffrey

Mountains behind branches

Spectacular natural views

From Cuyamaca Peak

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Mount Woodson in winter with Robbie

A view as storm clouds gather steam (Click on photo to enlarge)

Father and Son, up in the air, supporting each other

Mother and Son back near ground level, Lake Poway

We set out for Mount Woodson in cloudy conditions and soon thereafter, the rain began to fall. It would surely be a dull day. In most circumstances: yes. However, today we were going hiking with our youngest, Robbie, and so wherever we looked, the sunshine was prominent. It looks like Robbie is the real deal when it comes to the outdoors. He recently spent four days backpacking in the grandest canyon of all, the little one in Arizona.

Turning to leave and descend

“Hey, Dad,” Robbie greeted, “I’m coming down to see you and Mom next weekend,” he said during last week’s call. “How about we go on a really tough hike.” We don’t necessarily know what he meant, as at our ages, all of them seem to be strenuous. As it turned out, we hiked up San Diego’s finest the day after his call, Mount El Capitan (last Sunday). This left Mount Woodson as next in line, which we hoped would meet his criterion of a real challenge. Who can’t appreciate the enthusiasm of youth? “Otherwise, I can always fill my backpack with rocks,” he informed us. We thought only we had rocks in our head. Apparently, it 'runs' in the family.

Rob decides he needs a rest

During August last year, we hiked with our eldest, Gavin, up Woodson. One of the differences is that the temperature then was nearly 40 degrees ‘warmer’. It sure made a difference as we ate up the 8.5 mile hike in cool conditions with an elevation gain, we believe, of about 2,300 feet. The views were spectacular, enhanced by the low clouds. The highlight, of course, was our few minutes on the ‘surfboard or potato chip’. For the parents, it was a special time, the opportunity to hike and talk with the child from Venice Beach.

A different perspective at the usually clear Woodson area

The second climax of the afternoon followed Rob’s comment, which had us rolling on the ground, laughing hysterically. We were worried we might roll over an edge. What was the comment? “Mom, Dad: What are the chances of the whole family camping in the bush for a few nights?” We wondered if he remembered anything of his two elder siblings.

The smaller Iron Mountain under cloud, from Woodson

Which one's for dinner? Do you have a favorite? (The black one)

Robbie is an amusing guy. At the time, he cracked a very funny quip.

Monday, February 6, 2012

SuperBowl Perspective from San Diego

One could feel the tension build on this historic day. Preparing for the pre and post-game parties, in depth analysis, some even thinking about the game, expensive and at times, controversial advertising, wagering and betting—to list just a few distractions of the day. You name it there’s something for everybody. It could be reminiscent of the Coliseum in the days of gladiators and similar activities. We’re just happy that a certain group is not running the superbowl; otherwise, we might expect a few Jews and Christians to be thrown into the arena to do battle with the lions. Who is to sing the National Anthem? Could that be turned into a controversy? We hope so otherwise we might have to rely on the football for entertainment.

Gavin asked how we were preparing for the day. Of course, that would depend upon a number of factors. The fridge was stacked with beers; the cupboards were overflowing with snacks of chips, peanuts and various mixes. Boy, were we ready. We asked our editor for an opinion on the chances of the San Diego Chargers winning today. After all, we should root for the local side. She answered that it did not seem to be good at all. When she further explained that they were not playing we realized that perhaps we were not worthy spectators. So, instead of a football spectacular, we hiked to the peak of El Capitan, arguably San Diego’s finest.

The bay, east of downtown San Diego, viewed from El Capitan

Testing tread as Jen scales one of thousands of boulders

Surprising greenery in front of rugged mountains

After we hiked this wonderful area during late October, our friend Sean mentioned that it is best to do it in the winter. It was indeed very hot on our first attempt. The beginning of February is clearly the middle of winter but the temperature was in the 70’s. We had to keep remembering that it is winter. After spending six very short weeks in New Zealand during summer, we conclude that San Diego winters can be warmer than New Zealand summers. Life for us is extremely complicated these days but nevertheless, most exciting.

Jenni on the way down

Rock face climbing at El Capitan

Spectacular views yonder

Sun beam provides instant tan at 'Rock Salon'

The hike, including extras was ten miles, an accumulated elevation gain of 4,000 feet as there are many declines on the way up, if that makes any sense. It is very rugged in places and overall, a great place to be. The mountains are covered in boulders and rocks, giving children a wonderful opportunity to scale them, test their boot grips and jumping skills. They don’t make superbowls any better than this notwithstanding that we forgot the chips, peanuts and beers.

Editor views San Diego's own lil' table mountain

Jenni explaining the concept of 'Alternate Rock' in appropriate setting

Capturing some late afternoon sunlight on La Jolla Cliffs—a different place, a couple of days earlier