Portugal: Geres: Fantasyland or the goblins' enchanted autumn-hangout, a la Porto.


Hike-about is an adventure that commenced June 2010. After storing our household movables, ridding ourselves of a house but retaining our 'home' together, we set off with the purpose of hiking in different parts of the world, not forgetting the home country, the USA.

Our primary focus is hiking to mountain peaks but any challenging hike will do just fine. Extended stays enable us to enjoy and experience living in various places amongst differing cultures. Hike-about has evolved into a way of life. It's also a process of discovery, both the world and ourselves.

We work and live 'on the road' but return to the city in which our grandchildren reside, every couple of months. This provides us the wonderful opportunity to be with them as well as a child or two, even three and of course, friends.

By the end of 2023, the blog contained over 1,560 hikes (less than that actually undertaken), each a set of pictures with stories and anecdotes from the trails. An index to the right allows the viewer to identify earlier experiences.

Finally, we are often asked about the journey's end.
ur reply, as accurate as we can state, is: "When we are either forced to cease through health issues or the enjoyment level no longer reaches our aspirations, we will hang up the boots."

"A Life Experience As No Other: Dare to Seize the Day Together", published by Fulton Books, depicts our life on the road and mountains until the beginning of 2017. It has developed 'exponentially' since then.

Jenni and Jeffrey Lazarow

Whereas we continue to update the blog regularly, we circulate email notifications infrequently.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

26.03 Greyton to McGregor, Western Cape, a place of flowering beauty.

A few years ago, we hiked the other way around, that is, from McGregor to a little before Greyton and returned. It was a very pleasant experience and so we tried it from Greyton this time. It was equally enjoyable, if not more so. Soon after our last hike, a South African viewed the blog and wrote some fine words to us regarding how impressed he was with the scenery. We concur; it's a place filled with delightful covering of flora.

We walked twelve miles up, in and through the canyon, visited a waterfall tucked away on a cliff, swam in the freezing pond below while absorbing the sights which included large and high mountains bathing and covered in clouds throughout the day. The weather seems to be heavily influenced in this mountainous region by these giants which resulted in rain, partial sunshine, heavy winds and both hot and cold weather. The day following, the rain smashed any remnants of a drought.

The distance from the one town to the other is about 60 miles by road but less than 10 miles by foot to the outskirts. Take your pick.

Looking down the gorge and canyon...delightful.

Only a few proteas still blooming but quite spectacular.

Jen faces the camera more than two hundred yards distant.

A low cloud provides moisture to these very green mountains.

Something special, certainly different from swimming in a pool but icy. The editor cleared it of crocodiles, thankfully. She can be quite helpful at times.

The flora were captivating...provides a different experience in the wilds.

Crossing the waterfall.

Jenni climbs while the little exposure of sun hits the slope behind.

A prominent protea.

A meaningful scene tucked away in the mountains.

Jenni (right) has matching top to the ground cover, on the hill.

The best seat in the house.


Jenni and Jeffrey

Friday, March 25, 2016

26.02 Devil's Peak, Cape Town: 'The devil made us do it.'

In a city like Cape Town, a person can do two hikes within fourteen hours of each other because the trails lead out from town. It's very convenient, attractive and challenging. Just for the record, it's not compulsory though.

After action on the slopes, a little calming at Sea Point.

Hanging around the devil while Lion's Head whimpers below.

From Devil's Peak, a rock with a view of the greater Cape Town region.

The editor powers along as she approaches the real steep section.

From one peak to another (Table Mountain).

Cape (down)Town below, Green Point Stadium at rear.

"My left foot"—original footing from the movie.

A mountain below that gave us some perspective.

Two sweaty but satisfied friends.

Opening the telephoto from the peak. Green Point stadium, one of the venues of 2010 World Cup Soccer Tournament.

Liked the haze over the mountains...ignore the foreground, it's only noise.


Jenni and Jeffrey

Helen Beitz, a dear and not 'old' friend of Jenni's (me, too) at a restaurant in Glenhazel, Johannesburg.

Geoffrey and Jeffrey: I'm the big, tough guy, not the wimp.

I first met Geoff van Lear in 1967 at school, on the cricket field at Highlands North High. He was a serious cricketer while I was filling space. Geoff ‘emigrated’ recently to Cape Town after his emigration from Rhodesia, some fifty years earlier. Zimbabwe, as the South African president remarked, is a model for Africa. I think he meant it was that in the colonial days but no longer and certainly not without Geoff. I think it might be more accurate to remark while the country was once known as the bread basket of Africa, it’s now a basket case. Perhaps that’s what’s confused the president.

In closing, Geoff used to keep me fit. We often went to parties or to visit girls on Saturday nights. When the evenings came to a close, we would run home together. I would very much like to say that the young women chased after us but that would be a blatant lie. Good to see you again, Geoff. We lived a wonderful life in a unique era and place...while it lasted.


Jenni and Jeffrey

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

26.01 Lion's Head, Cape Town, South Africa...a great city hike and rock scramble.

After four days in Johannesburg with Mom, she sent us packing, heading for the Mother City. It's no wonder they call it the fairest cape of them all. We were weary following two inter-continental flights, both without or very little sleep respectively. Imagine how tired the plane must have been; at least we sat in our seats and did...nothing.

The exciting news is that our younger son, Robbie, proposed marriage to Shelby who apparently accepted without, it seems, much hesitation. Smart woman!

For those who once lived in Cape Town, we imagine some of the pictures will bring back fond is a beautiful city.

On the way back from peak above, the late sun shines on the black rock, turning it golden.

The editor goes ballistic...No! That should be vertical.

Over-the-top on Table Mountain as viewed from Lion's Head. (Note the cable-car on the way up or down.)
Cable station extends on right corner.

"Hey Jen, this is not as high as you think." Overlooking the town of Sea Point.

Table Mountain as a backdrop from the 'Lion'...not too bad.

The reward at the top.

The late sun softens the city.

We stayed for sunset.

Jenni on the way up from the eastern side of Lion's Head.

Taking a flyer...and concentrating completely.

Devil's Peak in cloud (to the left), the next day's climb.

A calm and golden Altantic Ocean.

One more of the corner of the Table.


Jenni and Jeffrey

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Woodson Peak, the return of the tigress...kitten.

Our first hike back in San Diego was wonderful for a number of reasons. The first being Jenni's near recovery from her recent fall. She moved up the mountain at a vigorous pace which augurs well for the future. We did not run down this time as her head is not ready for the 'bouncing' or vibration. Apparently, after her fall, she believes her brains are a little loose in her head...that's what it felt like after the unfortunate incident. At least, one of us has a set of brains although they might not be attached too firmly...a little unhinged you might think.

A 'peak bird' on Mount Woodson at sunrise.

Another 'bird' post sunrise on the peak, facing east.

One of Woodson's high spots on the eastern side.

Clouds blanket the canyon.

Moments before the sun rises above the mountains.

'Far be it for me to point a finger at anyone'...'Hmm! So what the heck are you doing?'


Jenni and Jeffrey

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

A video of limited highlights from Lake Mead region, Nevada and Tucson, Arizona.

As we prepare for Hike-about 26, a trip to the African continent, we invite you to enjoy a few of the many available sights from a region that we found beyond our dreams. We mentioned before that should someone have said the part of Nevada we visited and hiked is one of the most attractive regions, we might have laughed, some years ago. Now we humbly admit how wrong we were. The Mojave desert, together with its mountains, colors and textures not forgetting the incredible Lake Mead, is a place of great beauty that lifts the soul, certainly in the cooler months.

From Black Mountain, Boulder City, Nevada looking into Arizona at sunset.

Turn up the volume, click on the arrow and then the icon (lower right corner) for a full screen.


Jenni and Jeffrey

Friday, March 4, 2016

25.19 Summerlin, Nevada. 25.20 Anthem Trail system, Henderson, Nevada 25.21 & 25.22 Ventana Canyon and Romero Pools in Tucson, Arizona. 25.23 Northshore Peak, NV.

A view from the top, the other side of the city of Summerlin, NV. The route we took for the
climb is as viewed, not the paths but directly up.

A tight development some 2,000 feet below.

A closer view of the editor in action.

"Hi Guys." Early days on the Ventana Canyon Trail in Tucson.

Anthem trail in Henderson, a secondary hike near Black Mountain, returning from the towers.
The picture, one of my favorites, depicts the beauty and contrasts of the Mojave Desert providing
additional perspective of its size and variety of scenes, and where Jen fits into it.

It appears wherever one is in that region, Las Vegas is always visible. Nearing the trailhead
on our return following the Summerlin climb.

Early stage of the Romero Pools hike, Catalina Park, Tucson, approximately 1,200 feet.

Straying off trail on the Ventana Canyon hike proved to be a bad idea, prickly and slippery.

Romero Pools in Catalina State Park, Tucson, saving 'the last jump for me, Engelbert" or floating above the pools.

Contrary to popular belief that Hike-about is one laugh, an easy time of fun, frivolity and rest, we submit the contrarian view. Nothing could be further from the truth. For instance, one has to prepare one's food in the bush and eat it under difficult circumstances. Try cooking cereal and yoghurt over an open fire. Take a look at the struggle of eating, resting and negotiating with an editor in difficult circumstances:

'Breakfast at Tiffany's...ala Mojave Desert.

You'd think the editor would be more considerate and carry a duvet for her man. The poor guy
having to endure the rough stones and rocks. I don't know what's becoming of...

Some people become extremely impatient, another hazard of the trails. Others think a car is the same as a tent and will leave the door open, forgetting about the battery.

Getting really comfortable next to a powerful stream we struggled to cross some years ago. Obviously, the
editor does not let him get much rest at night or was it only 5 months after surgery—I hope the former though.

The ultimate way to hike after a good rest. Spot the horse...take your time.

When stuck or puzzled, hikers resort to strange behavior. He is reading his palm instead of a map, trying to determine the way down the mountain. Sanity is overrated.

One of many perspectives of Las Vegas, at dawn, enjoyed on this segment of Hike-about.


Jenni and Jeffrey