Portugal: Geres: Fantasyland or the goblins' enchanted autumn-hangout, a la Porto.


Hike-about is an adventure that commenced June 2010. After storing our household movables, ridding ourselves of a house but retaining our 'home' together, we set off with the purpose of hiking in different parts of the world, not forgetting the home country, the USA.

Our primary focus is hiking to mountain peaks but any challenging hike will do just fine. Extended stays enable us to enjoy and experience living in various places amongst differing cultures. Hike-about has evolved into a way of life. It's also a process of discovery, both the world and ourselves.

We work and live 'on the road' but return to the city in which our grandchildren reside, every couple of months. This provides us the wonderful opportunity to be with them as well as a child or two, even three and of course, friends.

By the end of 2023, the blog contained over 1,560 hikes (less than that actually undertaken), each a set of pictures with stories and anecdotes from the trails. An index to the right allows the viewer to identify earlier experiences.

Finally, we are often asked about the journey's end.
ur reply, as accurate as we can state, is: "When we are either forced to cease through health issues or the enjoyment level no longer reaches our aspirations, we will hang up the boots."

"A Life Experience As No Other: Dare to Seize the Day Together", published by Fulton Books, depicts our life on the road and mountains until the beginning of 2017. It has developed 'exponentially' since then.

Jenni and Jeffrey Lazarow

Whereas we continue to update the blog regularly, we circulate email notifications infrequently.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Vacation in San Diego, a slower period plus some delightful earthly scenes.

We are currently on 'vacation' from Hike-about. We resume toward the latter part of May—from that period, we hope to see you in Slovenia.

In the meantime, we have a book available, "A Life Experience As No Other: Dare to Seize The Day Together" that might be exciting to anyone interested in 'living on the road' and having a good time. Actually, it's a lot more than that but then this blog would be another 250 pages. To tell you the truth, we keep examining ourselves to ensure that we don't slack off. Hike-about pushes us to grow, to change our environment and seek opportunities to try to reach our potential. We may sweat much but it's an awful lot of fun. By the way, the theme is not about hiking although that's what we do; in fact, it's about following one's passion in life. Why would we not want to seek that!

Click...Link to Publisher


Click...Link to Electronic Journal article

Book website

The few pictures below are around Mount Woodson in Poway, the place from which we took to mountains. We have a soft spot for this mountain and the surround.

Another of our passions, not the ducks...a year old picture.

She ain't heavy, she's my bro...wife. Somewhere in Hawaii.

But first, thinking of the view from Black Mountain, Nevada into Arizona, one early morning last year.

In the misty morning at Mount Woodson.

Makes a change from the 'potato chip'.

Still on Woodson, appreciating the flora.

A magnificent sight from the peak, the City of Poway and others.

A different view of the 'potato chip'.

Something special being above the clouds.


Jenni and Jeffrey

A few delightful scenes:

Maui, Hawaii one early morning.

Sunset rays hit a section of the mounds above Mono Lake, Lee Vining, California

Pic El Pessons, Andorra.

Heading toward a narrow peak, Iceland.

Mesquite Flats, Death Valley, California moments before sunset.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

30.29 Australia: Pinnacle via Mackeys Peak 30.30 Boronia Peak 30.31 Mount Rosea...all wonderful places for elderly children plus 5 New Zealand Highlights.

The time spent in the Grampians involved rock scrambling aplenty. Although the mountains aren't that high (this is Australia, after all), climbing the rocks is quite spectacular. We loved them and had wonderful experiences on and up them. We do realize that many of the pictures taken show us in various positions on these mountains. It's our opinion that a human subject brings out the best in those rocks. We sought out various so-called human subjects and decided we were the best available. We were also the most modest along the Grampian range. There is no truth in the rumor that one of us was showing off...again. Be that as it may, there is some truth in each assertion made but for the showing off aspect.

Let the games begin...actually, they commenced two hours before.

Great traction on these rocks but not wide enough to be casual.

"You see that tree over there...yes, the green one?"

Jenni seeks height vertically.

Every now and again one finds a special spot that resonates...this was one of them. Besides, that
youngster is sitting on my perch...he had no idea what was in store for him.

More cockatoos. Would a pair be a 'cockatwo'?

Apparently, this is a genuine animal.

People have asked if your life is involved in hiking but the book is not about much hiking, then what is it about. Good question. Perhaps the paragraph below can provide one of multi-approaches:

Our Adventure: A Life Experience As No Other: Dare To Seize The Day Together. Click on...(The Publisher, Fulton Books)

When our lives were going smoothly, we never considered something might be wrong. When life treated us roughly, something was definitely wrong. What gives? Both positions can’t be right or should that be wrong? When we found we were not growing, the world began passing us by.

Over time, we discovered a model that allowed us to reach and continue achieving goals. We find life without purpose is hollow. We found our passion, hence, we know our purpose. We believe that’s the formula. Each day, as we pursue our passion, we are living an adventure.
The day becomes a gift to grab and cherish. It does require effort, for, nothing worth achieving comes easily. To feel uplifted, fulfilled, excited and at peace with the world, is in our opinion, to achieve success.
Lifestyles are unique. Passions are unique. When we discover our passion, purpose will follow. We are all unique.

The editor sent me back up to that peak as she is practicing her camera skills. Truth be told,
I didn't have cause for objection...although I tried to protest, for the record.

At the end of a hike, always time to rest.

We think that's called the Aussie 'hokey-pokey'.

Jen arrives at one of many peaks similar to the one behind her.

...and with that we say cheers and look forward to seeing you either in person or Slovenia.


Jenni and Jeffrey

Five memorable positions from the trip, all in New Zealand:

Mount Ngauruhoe, part of the Tongariro volcanic desert, at dawn. (We seldom see the volcano exposed; it is often covered in clouds. So witnessing the sun turn this near perfect, black cone into orange was stunning.)

Struggling up Mount Taranaki, near New Plymouth.

Somewhere on Mount Fox, a mean spirit 'tester' (and of marriage).

Avalanche Peak, Arthur's Pass: one of the finest hikes we ever done.

St. Arnaud's Ridge, Nelson National Park, returning from peak.

On this last publication, we attach a couple of links to our recently published book, "A Life Experience As No Other: Dare To Seize The Day Together."

Click on...Press Release: A Life Experience...

Click on...Our Book Website

Thursday, April 13, 2017

30.26: New Zealand: Mount Alford. 30.27 Mt Kinga 30.28 Castle Hill region.

Reaching the peak, Mount Alford, overlooking rich farmlands.

This is the last posting of New Zealand (not that anything is expected to happen in that country to make it disappear) to be followed by a finale from Australia. After a trip that we would both agree was hard to beat, besides the fact the mountain challenges were spectacular and we succeeded now and again, we met so many interesting people and had some equally fascinating experiences. Obviously, they are too numerous to mention. Nevertheless, something innocuous, which one of us found both amusing and delightful but would probably be most uninteresting to anyone else occurred on the last day of the Abel Tasman tramp. I would think Jenni enjoyed it too, particularly the taste of it. (see below...)

When we were part way up one of the mountains, we expected the white structure to be the end point.

This is a 'zoomed in' picture of the structure in the picture above, from the top. We misjudged that one on Alford.

The clouds formed, moved towards us, sat for a while and then dissipated.

An idyllic ski-village to which we'd like to return.

We began the day by waiting for the estuary blocking our path to subside. These estuaries can be most annoying and probably do it out of spite. (Did we hear someone say 'paranoid'?) We had about 12 miles to walk and commenced well after 11am. We set off at a blistering pace for about 200 feet, got bogged down in the river, dried off and headed up-and-down the coastal cliffs. After a few miles, we noticed a car and then another. Usually when on tramps, the land is deserted but it differs at Tasman. We continued after sighting the cars and then came across a car park, a large campsite and a land management office. This was the first time outside Tasman we had ever seen anything like this in the country, certainly outside Europe. Normally, there may be a few hikers/trampers on a trail but that's it. Jenni waited outside the office while I entered to catch the flavor of this seemingly out of place structure. I was surprised.

I returned to Jen, sat her down and presented her (and myself) with a Nestle Milky Bar. We never do this because there aren't such facilities available and it's not a good habit to develop. We sat on a log, watched the world go by, made conversation with day visitors who came to view the ocean while we savored our chocolates. When I saw how much Jenni was enjoying her tasty treat, I felt bound to buy her another one. It so happens she had had enough so I was saddled with the burdensome task of having to eat it. One could hardly allow food to go to waste and felt duty bound to do the correct thing.

Suffice to say, it was an unusual situation in that we came out of the bush, spotted some 'civilization', sat and enjoyed chocolate in the wilds, made conversation with some locals and enjoyed the sights and particularly, the rest. We told you it was not an exciting story. However, it kind of tickled us. There's no accounting for taste, chocolates or otherwise.

The ever-climbing editor approaching the peak of Alford.

Lake Brunner sits below Mount Kinga and other giants in the Moana district.

Could be a trap, a noose? Even the trees in New Zealand are aggressive.

The sophisticated look, I Kinga.

From peak of Mount Taranaki in the north, comparing farmlands with those earlier pictures above.

A favorite scene.


Jenni and Jeffrey

A sunset down-under.

Humor from the backpackers' in Franz Josef, the home of the glacier of the same name.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

30.25 Australia: The Grampian Mountain range, one of four approaches to the Pinnacle, all delightful.

Jen comes out of Australia's 'Grand Canyon'.

One of our highlights, the reason we are visiting Australia, is to gain a much needed dose of our niece, Romy Klotnick. Romy is the daughter of the late Wendy, our sister. Wendy would be extremely proud of Romy (as well as her two other daughters), for this young woman has demonstrated courage, initiative and generosity beyond expectations (and continues to do so.) We stand in awe as we salute Romy.

The Grampians are a wonderful place for children of all ages, that is from the very young to those born in the middle of the last century and earlier. It allows a hiker to climb on rocks as a person makes his/her way up to the various peaks. In fact, although there are trails, one can immerse oneself in rock scrambling, allowing one to reach the top via a different route each time. It is an opportunity to have an awful lot of fun which is exactly what we did. Big surprise!

We mentioned how friendly the Australasians are—it makes life most pleasant. We have also made many friends in the short time visiting Victoria. It's like instant mating. We say 'hello' to a person or ask directions and the person already embraces us as a 'mate'. We now have so many Australian friends and we don't even know their names.
We also have to be on our guard when we talk with the locals. This is a massive country generally and when compared with New Zealand, makes the latter look tiny and uninhabited. However, the excitement, diversity, height, volatility, growth and beauty of 'natural' New Zealand are unmatched and so we try not to mention this to the Aussies. They are a little sensitive on the subject. Of course, we dare not say that the few Kiwis are better rugby players than the greater populated Australia. We know what's good for us so we don't mention it...much.

Give me wings so I can attain more freedom.

Wings? Give me arms so I can embrace my lover.

Give me height so I can attain other perspectives.

Give me a smile so I can show the world I'm content with my lot.

Give me balance so I know when to seek thrills, when to be cautious.

Give me a better memory so I can remember the last request.

Give me youthful muscles so I have flexibility.

Give me the willpower to keep away from fats and starches so I can always take the gap.

Will someone get him to shut-up...already


Jenni and Jeffrey

We arrived in Australia, at Halls Gap, and tried out the service. After waiting for an inordinately long time, they
sent Emmy-lou to solve the issue. When she came through the staff door, I knew we had a problem. Customer service
in Australia is literally, for the birds.


If that wasn't enough, she began stalking us. She stalled momentarily when she saw her reflection in our window. Apparently, she did not take well to our poor report to management. Jenni did not sleep well that night. Not me, though. I was very comfortable under our bed.