Portugal: Geres: Fantasyland or the goblins' enchanted autumn-hangout, a la Porto.


Hike-about is an adventure that commenced June 2010. After storing our household movables, ridding ourselves of a house but retaining our 'home' together, we set off with the purpose of hiking in different parts of the world, not forgetting the home country, the USA.

Our primary focus is hiking to mountain peaks but any challenging hike will do just fine. Extended stays enable us to enjoy and experience living in various places amongst differing cultures. Hike-about has evolved into a way of life. It's also a process of discovery, both the world and ourselves.

We work and live 'on the road' but return to the city in which our grandchildren reside, every couple of months. This provides us the wonderful opportunity to be with them as well as a child or two, even three and of course, friends.

By the end of 2023, the blog contained over 1,560 hikes (less than that actually undertaken), each a set of pictures with stories and anecdotes from the trails. An index to the right allows the viewer to identify earlier experiences.

Finally, we are often asked about the journey's end.
ur reply, as accurate as we can state, is: "When we are either forced to cease through health issues or the enjoyment level no longer reaches our aspirations, we will hang up the boots."

"A Life Experience As No Other: Dare to Seize the Day Together", published by Fulton Books, depicts our life on the road and mountains until the beginning of 2017. It has developed 'exponentially' since then.

Jenni and Jeffrey Lazarow

Whereas we continue to update the blog regularly, we circulate email notifications infrequently.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

47.20 A Mix from as yet unpublished case we forget...more of the Colorado River.

Page, Arizona.

Into an abyss as we head toward the Colorado River via Cathedral Canyon.

Reflections in Cathedral Canyon.

More Arizona.

'Sitting on the dock of the bay' as the Colorado flows by, a gentle rapids. Incredible experiences tracing the flow of this amazing river. It confronted us as we reached the end of the canyon.

Jen goes 'walk-about' in the wilderness of Utah. Loving wandering without trails.

Fooling around along the Colorado River, near Lake Powell.

Monument Valley.

Probably a good idea to focus less on the camera and more on the river...


Jenni and Jeffrey

47. 19 Colorado, Durango: Perrin Peak, deceptively steep with some tricky features and strangely, a squeak to speak of...

View of Hogsback from Perrin Peak overlook.

“Pull in over here,” Jen said as we returned from a shorter hike following the wonderful Ice Lakes Basin and Island Lake experience in the high mountains. We had decided to ease up the day following such a wonderful adventure. She was pointing to the Jiffy Lube ahead. 

“What can I do for you?” The attendant asked. 

“We’ve noticed a squeak and were thinking that a lubrication might just do the trick.” 

“Well, you’ve come to the right place—that’s what we're here for, sir.” I smiled at Jenni—she had it all figured out. 

“Pull over there and let me take a look at your problem,” he signaled to me, showing where to park our pride and joy, the Kia. 

We add this tidbit because we know it will stir grandson Benny who favors autos a little higher up in the pecking order, commencing with a Tesla. Why were we there and what was the cause of our problem?
(continues at end)

The next 3 pictures are from an earlier period during which we walked along the edge to the top of Hogsback. In retrospect, it does not look that wise.

Across the way we spot Nighthorse lake/reservoir.

If you're going to rest, the overhang is as good as any. Definitely developing show-off potential.

Fall colors brighten the scene. Nature has an amazing way of looking good as it dies.

Trying out for the long jump.

Seems to be his fascination. Well, it takes all types.

Feeling stronger after Ice Lake basin experience, we set out for Perrin Peak. Soon into the hike, we heard an intermittent squeak. A few days earlier, Jenni’s whistle, hanging outside her backpack, created a clicking sound. She thought it was something in her pack generating the noise. I, however, thought it was coming from my bag. This continued for a while and Jen shared some of her thoughts. The one that took the cake—she guessed a mouse had entered her backpack overnight and was squeaking, hoping to escape. Her second thought was of a cricket or bird. 

I began to think my boots were causing the squeak. I tried different movements, but the squeak persisted, especially on the inclines. Jen then mentioned in jest that it could be my titanium hip. We had a laugh about her flippant comment. On the way down, I tried different moves again. I even had Jen hold my bag and keep still while I walked. Sure enough: Many a true word spoken in jest. My hip was squeaking. It was also getting worse, no longer intermittent but rather, sounding upon each step of the right foot. It became serious. It’s one thing passing a group of hikers with a burst of flatulence. A constant squeak could prove most embarrassing. And if it was the hip, what about bone and metal friction and the resulting effects. It was puzzling, worrying. When you need an orthopedic surgeon... 

We continued down the trail and I tried some exercises while walking quickly. With about 25 minutes to go, I twisted my hip around and felt very wobbly as if I would lose balance. It was another strange sensation, something occurred within. A minute or two later, I realized the squeak was gone…it has not returned…yet. 

We’ll have to provide a little context. We reached the high point of a hike two days earlier and decided to sit and take in the views. We found a fallen tree trunk and sat. After about ten minutes, I felt my thigh develop a spasm. It was a weird sensation; it seemed to go into what I would consider something like an electric shock. I stood immediately but had groin pain. I should add that it was on the same side as my hip replacement undergone near on 11 years before. I’m very aware of the hip at all times so I tried to figure what I had done wrong. Sitting on a trunk hardly seemed an error of judgment. Thereafter, I struggled to walk properly because the upper leg seemed to resist movement. 

The following day, I had to ask Jenni for forgiveness as I did not think I would make a hike. Besides the pain and hampered movements, it probably was an indication that I should rest. Jenni says I don’t always listen to my body signals. We walked in the town for a while and recounted our first trip to Durango some eleven years before. It was in the city, outside the railway station, that we formally decided the parameters of Hike-about. 

I still could not believe I could do damage to my body by sitting down and resting. At least go out in glory by jumping off a cliff, catching an overhead branch on the way down and swinging through the jungle and landing in a lake with a leg injury. 

 Imagine the conversation: “Hey, how did you sustain the injury?” 
“Well, I was sitting on a log.” “
Yes. And then what happened?” 
The follow up question anticipating something exciting. “Um…that’s it.” 

The big question is: Do we stick with the holistic approach to medicine and try an oil and grease? What do they say? ‘The squeaky wheel gets the grease’. On the other hand, should we pay a visit to the doctor and try and understand the issue and take it further. After all, I really love doctors’ visits nearly as much as dental sessions. Fortunately, two weeks later it seems the Jiffy lube was the answer.


Jenni and Jeffrey

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Page: What's not to like about the town and the Colorado River?

We took a near on 10-mile walk along the Colorado River, outside Page. It's almost impossible to beat the incredible views each step of the way as we made our own way up and down the mounds, hills and undulations, following the winding course of the gooseneck river. Days don't get better than that.


47.12 Arizona: Spencer Trail and beyond from Lees Ferry. 47.18 Spenser Trail 2 at sunrise. Spenser Trail and views delight.

We rise a little above ground at commencement...looking down to water level.

Remarkable position and view.

We have come to hate politics and really dislike the political class, across the spectrum. However, we don't blame the keen individuals who wish to make a difference and enter the fray. It's impossible to succeed with honor because the system is inherently corrupt. We no longer enjoy discussions with people regarding politics because who knows, we could get rolled down a mountain or thrown into a volcano should we utter the wrong sentiment. However, we do observe what's happening and we try to understand it but are failing miserably...continues at end. Before you get there, we mention this blog combines Spenser hike repeated 4 days later but does not include a third day at this glorious position, some two weeks later. We decided to stop in Page after returning from Colorado for a rather simple reason: We love the region.  

Nearing the end or is it the beginning?



The earth coloring in Arizona and Utah dazzle.

Taking a breather, absorbing the surroundings.


Reaching the higher peaks beyond the summit (see right).

Exploring at the top.



Standing on the other side as we follow the gooseneck flow of the river.
Going home and getting close.
Some shots on the second hike, at sunrise.

Wild horse on the other side of the river taking an early morning drink. Fascinating that one only requires liquid in the form of water to survive...maybe even thrive. Makes one think of the variety of liquids humans consume.




Always opportunities for rock and boulder hopping above the Colorado River. One cannot help but be astounded by the fissures in the earth; the sheer formations are beyond comprehension.


We did change our plans and direction because of the smoke in September, but hopefully, not our principles. Talking about air quality resulting from wildfires in the western part of the country, we had a good laugh the other day. People are quick to blame nature's reaction on man's behavior. Everyone is an expert although few are knowledgeable in the sciences. We certainly aren't but you knew that. Two guys were standing outside our room having a smoke. It was quite considerate of them because we learn so much from their conversations and we get the inhalation high at no cost. A good deal. Well, they were commiserating about the quality of air and how difficult it was to go outside to smoke. The air was unhealthy for their lungs.  

We love it that the political class are concerned with health issues. We recall a time or would like to think of a free society where parents took responsibility for their children and adults took care of themselves. I remember former mayor Bloomberg, who literally has more money than brains. He went after stores in New York selling too large size cups of soda drinks because citizens are too stupid to make their own decisions, healthy or not. Apparently, they were concerned for our health. However, they fought a long battle for citizens to enable them to smoke marijuana. We have always thought we had a better chance surviving on the roads against smokers rather than drunkards. It's more likely to be struck by a drunk driver than a smoking one or one who is over-weight, has bad teeth and other maladies because of drinking too much Coke. We live dangerously so we prefer to take our chances against a Marlborough Man, even a Lucky smoker is acceptable. Thus far, they haven't tried to curtail people watching television, demanding we exercise, sending us to tertiary schools or forcing us to treat our neighbors kindly.  

My 'favorite' is preventing parents from knowing that their young daughter is contemplating or undertaking an abortion. Contrast that with not allowing a school nurse to administer a headache powder to a kid without permission from the parent. I suppose minor aches and pains are far more serious issues. We still believe a parent can be informed that their child misbehaved in class or has failing grades although in the case of the latter, we recall reading the child has to give the parent permission to read the report card from college. We spend much time in a state of confusion. Nevertheless, we are thankful for the governors closing down houses of worship during the pandemic. It gave many of us a good excuse to miss church, synagogue or mosque.  

When protests and riots occurred, many of them said it was a necessary outlet for people to vent their feelings of anger and frustration. Others, in recently formed political groups, stated that riots were a necessary expression of anger. Looting of businesses did not harm anyone and besides, it was a form of reparations. After all, insurance companies exist to make good any and all types of negative behavior. We understand why we are confused and why the word 'lunacy' pops up every once in a while or actually, more often. Practically speaking, we decided it was the right time to sell our stock in short-term insurers. Heck, we did say we don't understand much anymore but we still have a few brain cells remaining.  

We’re a little slow to understand and catch the new trends. What can one do? It’s one of the risks of life and so one finds oneself left in the dust. Along came the concept of ‘defund the police’. Frankly, we were horrified when we first heard it. Actually, we thought it was a new comedy show. But like all things, when a person puts one’s mind to it, the sense of it surfaces. Sometimes, we make the mistake of allowing reality to interfere with big and bold ideas. Should the police be the cause of much of the crime that infests humanity, then the concept of ridding societies of police forces is a brilliant step. We can see that now.  

Have you noticed that once a person buys into an idea, a concept, you can take it so much further? Get rid of the police, hence, no more crime. No more criminal lawyers, judges, prosecutors. Get this—no more prisons. In one bold stroke, we can have millions of jobs disappear and save billions. Okay, we’ll have a large unemployment problem, but this can be alleviated because we have more big ideas. As an aside, we have always been tickled by the concept of criminal lawyers, but I suppose we should have been afraid rather than tickled. Fortunately, this could be ending.  

Do you remember that picture of the fella, David Geffen, sailing away on his 590 million dollar yacht and announcing with humility that we’re ‘all in this together’, the Covid issue? Well, we see this all the time. Many rich folk acting with such humility and telling the less wealthy, those living in poverty, in ghettos, on the streets, how they should integrate and love thy neighbors. (We love it when they find religion.) How about this? We’ve been thinking again—it becomes catchy. Instead of living in mansions that are mostly empty, having multiple residences, sailing on yachts to nowhere, why don’t you invite the homeless, the poor and other struggling classes to share your homes? Heck, what use is a ten-bedroom house with only two or at most four or five occupants. It would make the slogan ‘we are all in this together’ much more meaningful and would be fine acts of charity—acts from the heart and soul rather than from the pocket. Listen, we understand NIMBY—not in my backyard. However, if all those ‘horrible people’ in the poorer neighborhoods are told not to ‘nimby’, maybe the rich shouldn’t either.  

We have an admission to confess. We try to behave decently; we try to act within the law. However, we admit that should we be traveling on the open road in a 65-mile speed zone, knowing there are no police about, we’d travel faster. Yep. We’d break the law. We witnessed part of a debate the other night, it would be difficult to term it presidential, in which one of the principals said we should not focus so much on police but bring councilors into the equation. I can see the merit of that.  

Now, Jeffrey, when you were a child, did you ever feel you had the need to be a racing driver? Were you deprived by your parents of a V8 engine in your VW bug?”  

Another of the concepts that has us baffled are the liquor laws. Fortunately, I can offer an unbiased opinion as a confirmed teetotaler and Coke zero expert. I wonder why a young person not yet 21 years old can be ordered off to war, one of the most horrifying aspects of life, be commanded to kill, maim and put oneself at risk of death, torture and serious injuries but not be allowed to walk into a store or bar and order a beer. I don’t know whether that’s someone’s idea of humor or just plain moronic.  

Heck, if you have read this, I trust you realize I’m struggling to understand so much and unfortunately, (maybe fortunately), not winning. Somethings are better not understood.  


Jenni and Jeffrey

Friday, October 23, 2020

Weekly Highlights in Utah: Monument Valley and exploring Goosenecks wilderness.

Jenni capures the 'shot'.

The flow of the San Juan River.

River deep, mountain high...

Heading for a 'close up' well before sunset.

Jenni and Jeffrey

47.16 Colorado, Silverton: Ice Lakes Basin and onto Island Lake, a truly great experience.

This is one of the great experiences in hiking. The wilds just outside the interesting town of Silverton, a place that transports one back a couple of centuries to a different era, provides a feel of what the old America appeared visually. It's nice. Growing up, the idea of modernity, the skyscrapers filling the cities, the hustle and bustle of it all seemed so exciting. Today, the serenity, beauty and order of the wilderness with its occasional rebellion illustrates a world that we find fulfilling, educational, challenging and calming. 

If I had a more competent brain and we weren't rushing out to seek adventure this morning, I could add additional facets of the wonder of the Western United States but that will suffice for now. Instead, take a look at an aspect of Colorado and its attributes, another gem...and physical challenge.  

Jen appears fearless although we both felt a little nippy on parts of the climb. In fact, we left the sandy path preferring the steeper but rough rocks.

Up a further 500 feet (3,200) to arrive at Island lake—the green body of water at over 12,000 feet.


Arriving at Ice Lakes basin after quite a sweat—the blue water lake.

Hard to keep the eyes off that peak. Easier than trying to get the feet onto it.

Heading from Ice to Island Lake.

and passing a pond below on the way.

Even during 'death/rest' period, there's an inherent beauty.

The trails are great but the signage and river crossings are not the forte of the BLM in Colorado. No this is not a radical statement-Bureau of Land Management, much more pleasant. Neatness in the forest may not be an attribute either.

Jen arrives. Contrast this with a visit in 2015, two weeks later in the month.

A slightly different hike, you think? The path on the next mountain heads toward Island Lake. We were younger then so less energetic and decided to return home. The fact that a thunder storm was about to hit the basin may have influenced the decision.

Ice Lake in 2015. The lake remains attractive while the visitors deteriorate.

We even had two Jenni's with us, spinning and reflecting.

Checking foot placement. Can't keep her off the slopes.  

Preparing for the 'big shot'...whenever he's due.

Colors of the wilds are wild.

One for the road.


Jenni and Jeffrey