Portugal: Geres: Fantasyland or the goblins' enchanted autumn-hangout, a la Porto.


Hike-about is an adventure that commenced June 2010. After storing our household movables, ridding ourselves of a house but retaining our 'home' together, we set off with the purpose of hiking in different parts of the world, not forgetting the home country, the USA.

Our primary focus is hiking to mountain peaks but any challenging hike will do just fine. Extended stays enable us to enjoy and experience living in various places amongst differing cultures. Hike-about has evolved into a way of life. It's also a process of discovery, both the world and ourselves.

We work and live 'on the road' but return to the city in which our grandchildren reside, every couple of months. This provides us the wonderful opportunity to be with them as well as a child or two, even three and of course, friends.

By the end of 2023, the blog contained over 1,560 hikes (less than that actually undertaken), each a set of pictures with stories and anecdotes from the trails. An index to the right allows the viewer to identify earlier experiences.

Finally, we are often asked about the journey's end.
ur reply, as accurate as we can state, is: "When we are either forced to cease through health issues or the enjoyment level no longer reaches our aspirations, we will hang up the boots."

"A Life Experience As No Other: Dare to Seize the Day Together", published by Fulton Books, depicts our life on the road and mountains until the beginning of 2017. It has developed 'exponentially' since then.

Jenni and Jeffrey Lazarow

Whereas we continue to update the blog regularly, we circulate email notifications infrequently.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

48.13 Tucson, Arizona: An introduction to 9 or so hikes making the region treasure-filled.

A scene overlooking the city from Bug Springs Trail.

Picacho: A fascinating, tough and at times, difficult climb...both ways.

Soldiers' Trail, as the 'curtain' rises.

We don't think we've been in and near a city that offers so many opportunities for hiking and climbing. The trails are well cared for, clearly indicating those in charge encourage this activity. While there are some rough paths, most are superbly designed and frankly, rate as luxury. Summer in the city must be tough, but then we are unlikely to visit during that season. What's missing is water. The trails vary but the scenery, mostly attractive, tends to be similar. We highly recommend this region. We'll return again, MacArthur. 

We've met many people on the hikes, mostly interesting, offering different perspectives and usually, refreshing. It adds much to our activities, education and activities. We've had to try and cut down on the number of encounters recently, not because we wanted to, but rather, to finish the hikes before dark. Tucson is a destination for those who spend their summers in the northern/eastern parts of the country. We would guess the population during summer is considerably less than that of other seasons. Once again, we extended our visit and could easily have stayed longer but... 

Babad Do'ag Trail (loved the name). Proved to be more scary than it appeared at first, but breath-taking.

Wasson Peak, a solid climb with a good view of the popular 'smokers' corner'.

Approaching Blacketts Ridge, Sabino Park.

...and heading down.

One of many sections where cables are necessary. The technical aspects are probably more difficult than at Angels' Landing.

Reaching the top of a mostly, vertical climb; the view is satisfying, the climb a gem.

Overwhelming mountains, and most of the time, filled with serenity.

Trying a new technique...apparently it succeeded despite the lecture received afterwards.

Somewhere on the Esperero Trail.


Jenni and Jeffrey

47.53 Arizona, Flagstaff: Volcanoes National Monument: 47.54 Flagstaff: O'Leary Peak 47.55 Flagstaff: Mount Elden, Jenni's favorite 😏

This posting covers 3 hikes with reference to a fourth, the major mount, Humphreys. They are all in Flagstaff, a tough hiking region. We've tried to show the relationhip of the various mountains/volcanoes to each other with just a handful of photographs. You might have gathered that Mount Humphrey's is a brute while Elden finds no love from Jenni. Flagstaff, particularly when covered in ice and snow, is not an easy place to hike. Come to think of it, it's no cakewalk after a big melt either. We find the San Francisco Mountain range, of which Humphreys is the highest, to be tough and unforgiving. We've peaked 3 times over the last few years and I don't believe we're in a hurry to return.

Some color and form in Arizona, plenty of that.

An unhappy Jenni struggling on Mount Elden, a little brother to Mount Humphreys.

A view of a mine from the peak of Elden.

More color in Arizona.

During Autumn/Fall, we approach Elden summit. The towers can be seen to the right.

Across the way and considerably higher, smiles Humphreys.

Down in Volcanoes Monument, Jenni goes boulder hopping.

From the peak of O'Leary, Jenni stares at Humphreys. I promise you, the big guy is not intimidated.

Jenni reaches Mount Humphreys, a wonderful achievement, a spectacular day.

Avoiding sharp lava rock, mostly.

A full view of Mount Humphreys, Arizona's highest, from O'Leary Peak.

From Mount Humphreys, we look toward Volcanoes Monument.

Volcanoes National Monument viewed from O'Leary Peak.

O'Leary Peak viewed from Volcanoes National Monument. The tower protrudes on the middle peak.

The San Francisco Mountains on approaching Flagstaff.

A closing photograph after leaving the peak, on Mount Humphreys.


Jenni and Jeffrey

Sunday, February 21, 2021

48.07 Arizona: Tonto National Forest: The Vineyard, part of the Arizona Trail, a fairly tough but extremely attractive place.

Serene might be a fair description.


Jenni takes a '21-thorn' salute.

...then finds a gorgeous position.
We felt quite ignorant early last year when we realized we’d never been into the Tonto National Forest or knew of Roosevelt Lake and Dam. After all, Hike-about is a mechanism of discovery and learning. When we found the Superstition Wilderness and Tonto, we hiked many places within. Following our arrival in Tonto Basin, it gave an impression of the Old West. As a couple who grew up outside the United States, but were familiar with cowboys and in those days, Indians, it’s a little like realizing one’s childhood fantasies. After discovering the Apache Trail, it seemed to close off some unanswered questions and puzzles from our early years.

We were inside our suite in Tonto Basin last year when a young man walked up to the joint-proprietor of the inn. They began a conversation, and I could not help smiling when I noticed his belt with holster attached containing a revolver, a cowboy hat low over his forehead, boots and due deference showed toward the woman. I looked for a horse but instead, did see his red Bronco. 
..continues below.

Searching for a safe spot to eat...not the spot to eat but where to sit and eat a spot of brunch.

Let's do brunch above those thorny fellas.

Early part of the climb, fascinating visuals of 'A Bridge over Calm Waters'.

From another trail on the other side of the bridge, we made our way to a peak (off-trail) and attained this wonderful visual of a little of the Vineyard Trail before it crests. The light and wind create different coloring of the water.

Jen turns on the pace between those stationary but dangerous 'pricklies'.

One could interpret it in two ways, we suppose, as we get fairly high above Roosevelt Lake.

"Where did he go or where am I?" seems to be her body language.

A visual of the lake leading to the dam which I suppose could be shortened to damn-lake.

Once we crossed a crest, the trail headed down a little and along the Salt River/Apache Lake before rising again.

Always looking at the fascinating environment while remembering to watch for cacti, snakes and protrusions.

One of our favorite positions on this trail.

We had booked in for 4 nights on the first visit and ended up staying eleven. (We were ‘thrown out’ when they discovered us in the supposedly unoccupied room). This trip, having learned the previous year how much we love the region, we booked in for 7 days and extended it a further 4; it was far too short.

Each day, but one, we hiked in visual proximity to Roosevelt Lake which stunned us with its tranquility, mix of mountain background and coloring. The shades of blue were different, both daily and even hourly. For us, it’s a wonderful region which captures an earlier period giving one the feel of a different century but with modern luxuries. It certainly provides aspects that seem to be disappearing rapidly: respect and friendliness, including kindness which we came across on a few occasions. 

When we made the latter reservation, I asked the proprietor for a particular room. He told me that it was unavailable. Tough, because we really enjoyed it. Upon arriving at the inn, I tried again without success. “How about the room above?” I asked, it being a two-level building. He thought about it and said to another guest who had just checked in ahead of me. 

“Hey, you’re going fishing early tomorrow so I’m gonna move you downstairs. It’s much easier to leave from there especially having your truck parked right outside. How about that?” 

The guy did not hesitate. I realized I preferred the upstairs room after confirmation that it too had a kitchen. I knew Jen would feel the same way. Perhaps with my confusing accent and an odd comment, in jest I offered to allow him to share the room. They both looked at me and I could only imagine what they were thinking. In the end, I settled for sharing the suite with Jen. Another smart decision. Heck, I was on a roll.

It seems that life is one long uphill struggle...



Jenni and Jeffrey

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

48.07 Arizona: Two Lakes in a dry region: Weekly highlights plus a dedication to Colyn.

Jen overlooks Lake Havasu from the peak of Lizard.

Hmm! What's the fascination?

Close to my all-time favorite action picture of Jenni heading toward Jester Peak, Yuma.

Close second.

We (I) dedicate this blog to Colyn Levin, a long time (term) friend from Johannesburg. I met Col on the golf course and have been good friends since, including with Sharon. A quick story about part of the relationship. Colyn was fairly new to golf but we soon became partners and took on all and sundry. In the earlier years, Col played off a handicap of 16 and I was a little lower at 2. In one competition, I played to my handicap meaning I scored 74-gross. Colyn, also scored 74, meaning he played 14 below his handicap. It’s considered ‘bad sportsmanship’ to play that well. Since then, Colyn plays to a much lower handicap despite a higher age. Should I even attempt to swing a club these days, I would need at least 16 shots from Colyn just to look partly respectable. 

We would play often with Errol Grolman, another good friend. Tragedy struck and Errol passed on just over 2 years ago, in San Diego. Playing against Errol and his partner, Jeff, was always a 'needle' game made ever so pleasant because we usually won. I chose a partner wisely. We all miss Errol terribly. 

Jen also played golf at a very sociable level, mostly with two Moms, one Dad and me. It was very good for our relationship because making up after arguments was most pleasant. Trini Lopez sang “Don’t make a pretty woman your wife”…applies even more so to golf. And, after all, golf really is a silly pastime. You take this little white ball, smack it over the grass, sand and even water and try to place it in a small hole or cup. What’s the point? Now take mountain climbing and hiking. A person walks and climbs to a peak, turns around and returns to the starting point. 

You get the difference?...Let me know, if you don’t mind.

Touch down on Roosevelt Lake. Boy, did he miss the runway.

Side-tracked on the way up Lizard Peak, Lake Havasu.

A favorite photograph of this trip.

Sunset in Tonto Basin.

Getting through a tricky part of a climb off-trail.

Jen elects to remain grounded.

What's not to like above Roosevelt Lake?

Each day, they change the shade of blue at the lake. Talk of customer service.

The Apache Trail and Salt River flowing from Roosevelt Dam toward Apache Lake.


Jenni and Jeffrey