It's good form to remember dates, meetings, anniversaries, birthdays and all kinds of occurrences of the past. Women expect that and of course, they are correct. With this in mind, exactly 52 years ago, September 26th, 1969, I had invited Jennifer Benjamin to accompany me to the Highlands North High School matriculation dance, otherwise referred to in this country as the prom. Recently, I wrote in some text about the colonial streak in one of us which of course just surfaced some 31 words earlier. Hey, who's counting.
I counted myself extremely fortunate that the young woman accepted my invitation. We were both 17 years old at the time so we were unable to drive ourselves to the school hall. A friend of mine, Geoff van Lear, currently residing in Cape Town, arranged for his dad to drive the four of us in a VW Beetle. I cannot remember how we returned home--probably the same way. Obviously, I must have drunk much Diet Coke that night. To say that was a turning point in my life (and hopefully, young Jennifer's) is probably an understatement. We watched each other grow and develop which is, I suppose, a little unusual. Basically, as my Mom might say, we were still babies. Therefore, a great deal of our life experiences including education, maturity (nearly there), evolving from the diaper stage has been together.
Well, things have changed somewhat. Whereas we used to spend much time together, we now spend nearly every waking moment together. I remember one fellow asking us how we did it. How can you stand each other? Good question. Maybe, we just like each other and frankly, she is one special woman. Enough with that. From 17 to 70 (2 months away), Jenni announced today while sitting on Clayton Peak, another tough hike especially when missing a turn and having to climb the rock-face. Who knows the future? Things can change suddenly. All I would add is that it's been an exciting journey and the last, nearly twelve, on Hike-About are beyond belief.
God Bless you, my Girl.
School Dance, September 26th, 1969. (For obvious reasons, the photographer wishes to remain anonymous.)

Clayton Peak, 52 years later to the day from our first date.
From 17-70, the 'youngster' sits on Clayton Peak, Utah after what her husband considers a tough experience.
Jenni has provided a lot of color in our lives.
...and caused me tremendous stress and anxiety in such positions.
Jenni and Jeffrey