Every now and again and even more seldom than that, we find a position that provides sights so gorgeous that
one can almost cry—sometimes tears do form but that usually happens upon arriving at the summit after a tough
climb or more frequently, when taking a backhander from the editor.
The photographs below (excluding the first one), and there were obviously many more, are taken from a perch along
the River Mountain hike and a couple of other positions in the vicinity of Boulder City, Nevada. A number
of earlier hikes, particular the latest couple from Nevada, were superb but our enthusiasm for this hike's visuals
made us jump the queue.
Previous day hike used for 'spacing purposes' (The Frenchman Mountain...a short-way up.)
Late afternoon in Boulder City, above Lake Mead.
A cloudy day in general and then the sun almost disappeared for a few minutes.
Part of the shoreline at Lake Mead.
Trying a different camera setting.
Sun finds a gap and lights a tiny part of the mountain ranges.
The only casino in the area, dwarfed by mountains. We're thinking of staying in it soon.
Sun takes a bold stand against the clouds above Boulder City.
Jenni and Jeffrey
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