Nepal: Pumdikot: As we approach Shiva Temple, we turn to face our departure point, Phewa Lake.


Hike-about is an adventure that commenced June 2010. After storing our household movables, ridding ourselves of a house but retaining our 'home' together, we set off with the purpose of hiking in different parts of the world, not forgetting the home country, the USA.

Our primary focus is hiking to mountain peaks but any challenging hike will do just fine. Extended stays enable us to enjoy and experience living in various places amongst differing cultures. Hike-about has evolved into a way of life. It's also a process of discovery, both the world and ourselves.

We work and live 'on the road' but return to the city in which our grandchildren reside, every couple of months. This provides us the wonderful opportunity to be with them as well as a child or two, even three and of course, friends.

By the end of 2024, the blog contained over 1,636 hikes (far less than actually undertaken), each a set of pictures with stories and anecdotes from the trails. An index to the right allows the viewer to identify earlier experiences.

Finally, we are often asked about the journey's end.
ur reply, as accurate as we can state, is: "When we are either forced to cease through health issues or the enjoyment level no longer reaches our aspirations, we will hang up the boots."

"A Life Experience As No Other: Dare to Seize the Day Together", published by Fulton Books, depicts our life on the road and mountains until the beginning of 2017. It has developed 'exponentially' since then.

Jenni and Jeffrey Lazarow

Whereas we continue to update the blog regularly, we circulate email notifications infrequently.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

49.28 Trinity-Shasta National Forest: Castle Crags, an unusual and enjoyable day on fascinating rocks, boulders and walls plus 'uncommon sense', in a manner of speaking.

Feelings, oh feelings, how comforting but oh so troublesome. Feelings are often a means of justification, rationalization and accommodation. However, their path is strewn with obstacles. The largest hurdle being truth not to mention logic, science, sense and a host of other uncompromising factors. Oh feelings, you provide such comfort, false but my reality, my hope, my path...(continues below.) 

Jen stands on a ledge with a massive drop-off behind her. The longer one stands looking over the edge, the scarier it becomes.
A window, some 2,800 feet above the lower-level trees, perched on this unusual rock formation.

'Go climb a rock'.
Slightly precarious position with a view of a distant volcano.
Even the energetic need a break.
Walking towards the 'plank.
Then continuing...
From well below and in the distance, we pay respect to Mount Shasta.
At least he's concentrating—good idea.

We were trudging up a little hill and thinking how different life has become nowadays. Actually, when one digs deeper, nothing has really changed in the world—it really is the thinking and behavior of the human species that differs, a new age. Because we believe we are in charge of the world, after all, those dumb mountains and oceans cannot think for themselves although they seem to survive longer than any person. We are the bosses. Bosses? Perhaps if we thought more about our neighbors and less about power and fame, we might begin to realize our potential. Currently, it is difficult to see a path upwards while hatred and harsh judgement, with a sprinkling of insanity, pervade our societies, including a serious onslaught on biblical values. So, where’s this leading? 

  One foot forward followed by half-a-thought, another step and completion of the thought. We read and hear there are many different genders. While we may not contribute, we learn much each and every day. Before we became enlightened, there were a mere two genders. This applied to both people and other living creatures. It appears various groups have gained power and recognition. With this confidence, they have established alternate systems— new concepts have been defined and revealed. Functions formally specific to a gender were too limited. Now these functions are available to the opposite gender, too. Should we be understanding this correctly, it’s wrong to limit childbirth to the female. We found it interesting. While nature and whoever is behind it (God?) determined the function to be specific to women, many believe that's limiting and dated. With the power of thought and the ability to think outside of the box, childbirth is not as restrictive as we were led to believe over the many centuries of existence. The power of desires, feelings and words exceeds action and science.

  It got me focused and I thought what the heck. It’s worth a shot. Why can’t I have a child? Of course, being close to the seventh decade might prove to be a stumbling block but why not. Jen and I discussed the situation and although she displayed much mirth, she seemed to play along. Where to start? Well, a change of thinking might be a good start. But I realized we would have to try to be more inventive, more creative. After all, if you do the same thing over and over, why would you expect a different result? We remembered what Einstein had to say. This got me pondering. Much of man’s earlier thinking came from an understanding of God. The concept of procreation seemed to relate to religious thinking which developed through the clergy and was passed along by the missionaries. These people traveled the world and spread the word. When humans wished to procreate, they used what came to be known in parts of the world as the ‘missionary position’. 

  Having thought long and hard about it, I decided by utilizing but one position, the likely outcome would be a consistent pregnancy of the person in the so-called ‘under’ position. Should we then use, for want of a better term, the ‘reverse missionary position’, perhaps we would achieve the desired goal. Worth a try...maybe a lot more.

  I noticed some weeks later that I was waking each morning feeling very nauseous. I changed my diet, undertook to eat smaller dinners but to no avail. Many a morning I found myself retching terribly. Finally, Jen dragged me off to the doctor who at first was equally puzzled. When my condition stumped him completely, in a moment of mirth, I shared with him my thinking about pregnancy and dared him to perform the test. 

  Jen and I look forward to the birth of a child in the next few months. I’m pleased to report that morning sickness has dissipated although my belly is beginning to swell. I was thinking about two of our grandchildren who are currently 12 and nearly 9 respectively. They could soon have a new uncle or aunt who they’ll have to bring up. In the case of Ellie, for example, we still don’t know the gender of the baby and therefore it’s unknown whether Ellie will be a niece or nephew. We’ll have to wait. 

  While this is all very exciting, I can’t help but think of those mountains and oceans which have been around for eons. I wonder what they have to say about all they have witnessed over the years. Maybe the occasional volcanic eruption is symptomatic of the confusion and darkness they observe…perhaps, that’s our thinking surfacing, the reason for our setting of the scene at the opening. 

  No matter the words one chooses, they can never change or determine the essence of the subject/object. 

Kindly refrain from referring to me as a 'birth-person'...I am uh... 😡


Jenni and Jeffrey

Time to depart from Shasta.

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