Portugal: Geres: Fantasyland or the goblins' enchanted autumn-hangout, a la Porto.


Hike-about is an adventure that commenced June 2010. After storing our household movables, ridding ourselves of a house but retaining our 'home' together, we set off with the purpose of hiking in different parts of the world, not forgetting the home country, the USA.

Our primary focus is hiking to mountain peaks but any challenging hike will do just fine. Extended stays enable us to enjoy and experience living in various places amongst differing cultures. Hike-about has evolved into a way of life. It's also a process of discovery, both the world and ourselves.

We work and live 'on the road' but return to the city in which our grandchildren reside, every couple of months. This provides us the wonderful opportunity to be with them as well as a child or two, even three and of course, friends.

By the end of 2023, the blog contained over 1,560 hikes (less than that actually undertaken), each a set of pictures with stories and anecdotes from the trails. An index to the right allows the viewer to identify earlier experiences.

Finally, we are often asked about the journey's end.
ur reply, as accurate as we can state, is: "When we are either forced to cease through health issues or the enjoyment level no longer reaches our aspirations, we will hang up the boots."

"A Life Experience As No Other: Dare to Seize the Day Together", published by Fulton Books, depicts our life on the road and mountains until the beginning of 2017. It has developed 'exponentially' since then.

Jenni and Jeffrey Lazarow

Whereas we continue to update the blog regularly, we circulate email notifications infrequently.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

50.41/50.42 Utah-Arizona border: Toadstools, so enjoyable we took a second look.

 One of the many advantages of a place such as Toadstools is that a person can move across the land without being restricted to a trail. Each occasion is a unique experience even those fascinating climbs one 'repeats'. The formations are interesting, attractive and in many cases, climbable. There are prohibitions for some of the smaller icons, which makes sense. 

 We have been here before. We have always enjoyed it so much that we even repeated the visit a week later. Each occasion involved hiking in different parts of the region. We think the secret of visiting and hiking in these places is approaching it with an open mind (and always good grips on the boots). The approach, combined with a bit of daring, trying something different and following hunches allows a person to discover aspects not expected. 

  Early stages as Jen moves ahead.
Our kind of amusement park.
'Jen, you probably shouldn't try it.'
Deceiving. A crumbling path, sloping the wrong way--I won't do it again...not for a long while. An advantage of an aging memory.
The end of the road.
As an aside, Maude A. will immediately notice that we are each wearing two different sets of clothing within this one hike. Either we got very dirty during the hike and changed clothing or we were in fact at Toadstools on two different days.
Inching my way down.
Back in Utah, a state of immense variety.

On our first trip to 'Toadstools', we drove forty-five minutes and arrived some 1 hour and forty-five minutes later. We were most upset to learn we had lost time. What a waste. On our return, I drove faster, hoping to make up some time. Amazing. The clock read fifteen minutes earlier than our departure time. Impossible! I didn't think I drove that fast. 

The following week, it took us forty-five minutes to reach 'Toadstools' and the time was forty-five minutes after departure. Our return journey was forty-five minutes which turned out to be three-quarters of an hour later. Made sense but puzzled us. Can you help us understand the anomaly? 


Jenni and Jeffrey

Monday, November 29, 2021

50.28 (Part B) Utah: Salt Lake City outskirts. Mount Wire and Red Butte, colors and positions to live for.

It goes without saying that the foliage speaks for itself, certainly more dramatic than our words could ever attain. Therefore, with a few exceptions, we'll let the pictures choose their own captions. Before we depart completely, the colors of autumn made us wonder about photography. In the good old monochrome days, prior to the advent of color photography, how did one take a photograph of fall foliage scenes? I think this may be another question for Clive M (Dennys) again.

Jen heading up. We passed the left peak on the way up to the higher Mount Wire, our destination. The following week, we reached the left peak by climbing along the ridge. Once a month for that one is sufficient to last a year.

Jenni and Jeffrey 

Jen leaves Van Cott Peak with the tiny antennae in view on Mount Wire. (A month later).

Friday, November 26, 2021

50.39/40 Page, Arizona: Antelope Point: An approach from above the canyon on Thursday; the next day kayaking through the canyon to reach Antelope Canyon.

Jen makes her way along the water, moving up-and-down constantly.

Reaching a junction with a third in- out- let.

Perhaps one of the most enjoyable hikes, roaming through the desert but always keeping close to the water, is spectacular. It involves finding a route which could mean climbing then descending to go up again. Sometimes one chooses a path only to find water or a large fall-off preventing an advance. After some experience, one tends to anticipate the route and usually it works out reasonably well. The beauty of this type of hike is that a person never takes the same path, no matter how often it’s attempted. 

While sitting in the shady spot partaking of brunch, I was able to gently nudge Jen into staying an extra two days. We were limited because of a trip to visit Mom in South Africa. Jenni bought into the idea that a day less on the road, one less in San Diego would give us the time needed to enjoy Page even more and add a kayak trip the next day. It meant that on the Thursday we hiked above the water while on the Friday, we were on the water until the end of the channel. Thereafter, we hiked through part of Antelope Canyon to enjoy spectacular sights. 

Down below, on the water.
Big Rocks. (Jen just turns the corner.) This is close to the commencement after disembarking from the kayak.
Jen (toward top-left) makes her own turn as she heads for where we think home is...famous last words.
In the canyon, Jenni discovers gold.
Another horseshoe as the canyon makes a vicious turn.
Down below in the canyon, past the beaching area.
It's a privilege to find and walk along these sites.
Jen is now developing her springing talents. I think she's watched too many of 'these performances'.
At the commencement of the 'paddle'.
This was our spot for brunch, the only shady corner. How do you beat it?
A life of 'ups and downs' in unique and magnificent places and positions.
Looks so bleak and yet is a treasure full of depth.
Thousands of different views and positions.
Reboarding for a tough trip back to the car. Between the mud, weight and listing kayak, one thinks of a couch.
A person wonders about the forces of nature.
And wonders more which creates a desire to wander further.

Jenni and Jeffrey

Saturday, November 20, 2021

50.38: Arizona: Marble Canyon: Cathedral Wash, taking a shower at the Colorado River.

One has to negotiate every step of the way. There is no trail which adds to the enjoyment and of course, the challenge. Should you listen to an airline cabin member going through the formalities, you might hear the following message: "There are two exits in the front, four in the middle and two at the rear. Sometimes, the closest exit may in fact be behind you." 

Relevance you might ask. Well, that's how one negotiates this tricky hike. A person seeks a climb, up or down, that feels comfortable. The route could be anywhere. We hope that makes sense because at times, we'd love someone to explain it to us. Thank you for flying American! or is it United?

 Entering the Lower Cathedral Wash. Great opportunity to say a prayer.
Departing from the wash but feeling dirty. Makes no sense.
And now? Remember, the idea is not to wet the feet...or any other part of the body.
or damage any part of the body. (One slip and you take a mud bath or much worse.)
That is, both bodies.
Yikes! How do we get down there? A better question. Why do we want to get down there?
It will be worth it for we get the opportunity to see another scene of the Colorado River, an American gem.
Talk about excited to reach the river or to get away from 'someone'.
They don't make it comfortable to cross the river. 😢😢 
Just made it back up from the deep. But where is Waldo?
There she is...lagging again as she contemplates the tricky climb.
The River Jordan is deep and wide...well, nice song, wrong river. (C'mon fellas, use your imaginations.)
A good reason not to take a dip in the water.
Now a reasonable person might think the photograph is blurred. No. This is what happens when a person moves at the speed of light. (There's no truth in the rumor that one of us lives in an imaginary world.)
So you need a hand? Who you gonna call?
Our last view of the river on this trip. Don't cry for us, Colorado, we'll return.

Jenni and Jeffrey