An introduction to the land of 'Hoodoos'.
I remember our earlier years, in the seventies to be precise. The funny thing is that in 5 years, with some good fortune, we’ll actually reach the 70’s again—this time its personal. Well, in the 1970’s, before the commencement of a movie, we were forced to watch a rather impressive advert on the big screen. It was usually produced by a cigarette company. One in particular, by Rothmans of Pall Mall, showed excerpts of the capital of England. It screened various scenes and concluded with the words, “If you are tired of London, you’re tired of life.” Whereas I find London a fascinating city, I’m most pleased not to live there. In fact, living in any major city has become a difficult concept.
After visiting many lands, particularly the wide open spaces filled with mountains, volcanoes, forests, lakes and deserts, I would like to adapt the Rothman’s advert somewhat. Perhaps it reads better this way, certainly to me: “When you are tired of Southern Utah in general, and specifically, the spiritual and physical beauty of Zion, the uniqueness of Bryce and the myriad of shapes, colors and forms of this land then perhaps it’s time to drop down to London.”
Tower Bridge at the low point of the Fairyland loop, a near on 9 miles hike in snow and some mud.
Captivating scene, one of many.
Coming or going around the bend as we rise from the canyon floor.
A window to the amphitheater in an amazing region.
The least snow-covered part.
Some cautious exploring, searching for the window to mystery.
We were hoping for light snow and got a bank of it.
On the way down to the canyon floor, the weather proved superb.
We spent a number of hours down in the canyon, amazing.
Hoodoos galore...or hoodoos are us.
Jenni heading out the basin toward the rim trail.
The last of the hoodoos until those from 'Peek-a-Boo' Trail, a successive hike.
This time a view from above 'Tower Bridge'.
Jenni and Jeffrey
We had the good fortune to spot and track a bald eagle between Bryce and Zion. It provides a wonderful perspective of 'majestic'.
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