Nepal: Begnas: Early morning view of Annapurna 2, altitude of 26,040 feet.


Hike-about is an adventure that commenced June 2010. After storing our household movables, ridding ourselves of a house but retaining our 'home' together, we set off with the purpose of hiking in different parts of the world, not forgetting the home country, the USA.

Our primary focus is hiking to mountain peaks but any challenging hike will do just fine. Extended stays enable us to enjoy and experience living in various places amongst differing cultures. Hike-about has evolved into a way of life. It's also a process of discovery, both the world and ourselves.

We work and live 'on the road' but return to the city in which our grandchildren reside, every three, or slightly less, months. This provides us the wonderful opportunity to be with them as well as a child or two, even three and of course, friends.

By the end of 2024, the blog contained over 1,636 hikes (far less than actually undertaken), each a set of pictures with stories and anecdotes from the trails. An index to the right allows the viewer to identify earlier experiences.

Finally, we are often asked about the journey's end.
ur reply, as accurate as we can state, is: "When we are either forced to cease through health issues or the enjoyment level no longer reaches our aspirations, we will hang up the boots."

"A Life Experience As No Other: Dare to Seize the Day Together", published by Fulton Books, depicts our life on the road and mountains until the beginning of 2017. It has developed 'exponentially' since then.

Jenni and Jeffrey Lazarow

Whereas we continue to update the blog regularly, we circulate email notifications infrequently.

Monday, January 29, 2018

34.11 Arizona and Nevada: Fortification Hill, short, steep and not sweet but beautiful.

Sometimes the news is not good. This was such a time which inspired a tiny piece of writing (below) that encapsulates a little of our philosophy.

If there's ever a time I'd like a photograph of Jenni and me together is when we are undertaking a technical climb or coming down steep slopes on scree. With Jen hanging onto me and giving me instructions, a dime-a-dozen or, at times, me hanging onto her for support, a true love story exists. I don't find anything as moving as those occasions when we depend on each other, sometimes to avoid serious falls and worse. In our book, "A Life Experience As No Other...", we often make the point that when two people sweat together, the bonding that flows in and from such perspiration is without equal. I'd like the photographs to remind me of such occasions, particularly when I fall short in my behavior and secondly, for the period when we are too old to climb some of those treacherous parts. I'd also like such pictures because I'd just like to have them.

It would be hard to describe without pictorial aids. Not yet at the top on the Arizona side.

Jenni makes her way up toward a section a little higher requiring technical skills. (See above)

Standing high and tall in Arizona looking down into Nevada and Lake Mead in particular.

Another perspective of Lake Mead, always very good or fantastic. Las Vegas in the distance, neither very good nor fantastic. We're in Arizona.

A desert scene of both Arizona and Nevada.

That dam wall of Hoover and freeway and bridge linking Arizona and Nevada from peak of Fortification Hill.

The land jutting into Lake Mead creates a most attractive sight.

Protection from the wind at peak. (Note the volcanic nature of region).

Some volcanic rock hopping on top.

Phew! Just passed the technical section.

The 'kid' keeps going up.

Beautiful all-round.


Jenni and Jeffrey

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